The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Orlando's picture

    Breaking: Chilean Miners On Their Way to the Surface, One by One

    Updated: I awoke this morning to the fantastic news that all of the miners are on the surface, as of approximate 1 am, GMT. Two rescue workers are also up. Three men still underground.


    As of 6:30 a.m. GMT, the first three miners are out. The BBC has a fantastic live feed and live blog, which you can see here:


    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Women Against Christine O'Donnell

    Monmouth University has a new poll on the Delaware Senate and Congressional races, and it's painful for the Republicans, especially for Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell. The top line: Chris Coons is leading O'Donnell 57% to 38%. O'Donnell has a grisly 58% disapproval rating with only 31% favorable, and Delaware voters consider her unqualified for the Senate by a margin of 57% to 35%. That's pretty painful.

    Barack Obama's picture

    How Many Senate Seats Will the Democrats Hold (Including Lieberman and Sanders)

    54 or more
    8% (2 votes)
    36% (9 votes)
    52% (13 votes)
    49 or fewer
    4% (1 vote)
    Total votes: 25
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning: Get the Hunger


    1,000,000,000 human beings were hungry around the globe in 2010.


    Hunger: A billion people are hungry. You can't understand that. It's too enormous. Stop, think. Again - A billion people are hungry. Get it, yet?  

    Orlando's picture

    Stuff I Want to Learn: Sociology Edition

    Yesterday, I went to the mall. This is not a new occurrence. I go to the mall almost every day. It is where the grocery store and the office supply store are, as well as the Starbucks and many, many restaurants. To get to the mall, I ride for about 10 minutes on a mini-bus, filled with people heading in my direction. Yesterday, the driver stopped on the way to fill up his tires. The compressor was owned by a guy who had set up a little business for himself on the side of the road. That’s also no big deal.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture


    I have two Boston Terriers – Max and Jack. For those of you that visit, Max is the surly, fat, smart one, while Jack is the happy, athletic idiot. Needless to say, we love them completely. Max and Jack have one driving passion in life, and of late, that passion has become a bit of a pain. You see, Max and Jack are poopy aficionados.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Republican Candidate Dresses Up as Nazi


    Incidentally, I posted the following video about a year ago (before the Daily Show's Nazi tourettes skit, which was far superior to my little creation of course).

    Deadman's picture

    Deadman: A quick reintroduction and quicker lament

    Wow. This is dagblog, huh? I don't even recognize the place. Readership is flourishing, the pace of posts is snowballing. Frightening dagger logo be damned, it even looks like an official bloggy thingy now.

