The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Petition SUNY Albany

    I've been blogging angrily about SUNY ALbany's foolish attempt to "globalize" by cutting French, Italian, and Russian from the curriculum.

    If you, like me, consider this decision foolish and bad for the education of SUNY Albany's students, please consider signing this petition to restore those crucial languages to SUNY Albany. Thanks.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture


    LINCOLN, Neb. — When it comes to Barack Obama, it’s all Black and White.

    A new Chronicles Poll shows that Americans overwhelming approve of President Obama’s White half, while his Black half has approval ratings that rival Sarah Palin’s.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    BREAKING: A New Look for Dagblog

    Just two years after exploded into the blogosphere, the brash new political blog that has been rampaging across the interwebs and carving up politicians like a chainsaw through macaroni is finally getting a new look.

    Genghis, the technological visionary behind the blog, announced the redesign at a packed news conference in midtown Manhattan Thursday evening.

    "We call it Theme 281," he told the hushed audience. "It's sleek. It's chic. It's slippery when wet. It has a lot of gray, I mean a lot of gray."

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ announces new $75/month Pay-for-Pray Subscription fee

    BOISE – Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ today announced new plans for Heaven’s prayer service, as, starting Nov. 1, each Christian must pay a $75 per month “Listen to Your Prayers” Subscription fee.

    “For too long now, we’ve allowed non-tithers to piggyback on true tithers,” said Christ, 30-ish. ” Now, you can still pray, but if you don’t pay, we won’t listen.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning: My Pelosi Face

    Gaga pelosi
    Lady Gaga is more powerful than Nancy Pelosi, says Forbes.


    BP Oil Disaster: Business-hating President Barack Obama really went out of his way to shield British Petroleum.

    DF's picture

    The Senate Sucks or Waiting for Obama

    Ah, the World's Greatest Deliberative Body.  No, not the courtroom of Judge Judy - the United States Senate.  Once a bastion of the elite and much more a body that represented state legislatures than Da Peehpuhl (as we say here in California), then civilized by the 17th Amendment, it is now the Place Where Good Legislation Goes to Die on the Vine.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    21st Century Education: SUNY Albany Edition

    Earlier this week, I blogged about SUNY Albany's plan to fulfill its "world-wide" mission by cutting almost all of their European language programs and declaring its intention to fire the full-time tenured faculty who teach French, Russian, Italian, and the classics. At the same time, Albany cut its theater major.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Palin vs. the Tea Party

     Mudflats has obtained e-mails revealing Todd Palin's anger at Joe Miller, the Republican Tea Partier nominee for Senate from Alaska. They also have e-mails detailing Miller's inside-the-campaign response:

    I just found this in my inbox. This is what we're dealing with. Note the date and the complete misconstruction of what I said.

    Holy cow.

