The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning: Getting Lit

    Big Lighter
    Here’s to lighting a fire under your ass on a Monday.


    Peace Between Palestine & Israel: Well, not quite yet. Feel free to hold breath.

    There Hugo: The opposition takes another small bite out of Hugo Chavez’s hold on Venezuela.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Out of the Shell

    Equal Rights for All

    Somewhere sort of like here …


    “And this abomination, this insult to Our Lord, it will continue to take us down a path of depravity and immorality that will destroy this great nation. These depraved, perverted individuals must be stopped. This behavior must be eliminated! And it can only happen with the help of God. You are his hands on Earth. You will help to stop this menace before all is lost!”

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    BREAKING: Early Draft of Republicans Pledge to America Released

    Who said that Republicans have no plan? They just released a bold 21-page manifesto called "Pledge to America" that promises extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich and repeal the Democrats' health care plan among other revolutionary initiatives that will transform the country back to exactly the way it was two years ago.

    The Difference Between Them and Us - Why They Hate the Estate Tax

    I read with great interest and admiration David Seaton's post here: "Observations of and on the Rich".  Seaton contrasts the relatively modest and even awed reactions of some Americans to their financial success with the self-satisfaction and arrogance of others.  Seaton identifies correctly the latter group as the backbone of the reactionary movement that is destroying our world.  Seaton describes the neo-fascists as:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    David Beckham cheats on Victoria with a hooker!! (and other sports news)

    David Beckham cheated on Victoria with a hooker!!!

    Now, before you jump on me for sensationalizing this, remember, I was, and still occasionally am a sports writer. It's a position I take seriously. It's an honorable profession.

    And David Beckham corner-kicked Posh Spice for a busty hooker!

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    How to Publish Your Blog on Facebook

    Soon after we launched dagblog, I decided that I wanted to publish my writing on facebook to share it with my friends and family. That's not as easy as you might think. You can import your posts into Facebook notes using an RSS feed, but Facebook changes the formatting, and readers can't see the comments from the blog. Other methods I tried couldn't handle multi-author blogs and would publish every dagblog post without even indicating who wrote it.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    How They Measure the "End" of a Recession

    So, despite the way the economy feels in your neighborhood, there's been an official statement that the recession ended last June. Yup. All over. That is a perfectly sound statement at the same time it doesn't mean what the rest of us mean by "end of the recession."

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Update on Importing TPM Cafe Posts to Dagblog

    Longtime readers may have noticed that dagblog is running a bit sluggish lately. The plodding performance is an unfortunate consequence of my having imported a massive stack of blog posts from Talking Points Memo Cafe. Actually, the problem is not the posts themselves but the comments hanging off of them. The 54,544 comments that have made their new home in our database are gumming up the works.

