The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Eye-Opening Experiences

    Some are born eyes wide open. They are the few that have an innate understanding of life from the get go. They understand love, and responsibility and the importance of others. I was not one of those people.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Lost in Boehner Land

    At last, Democrats launched their counterattack. For two years, Republicans have joyfully demonized President Obama, his wife, his daughters, his pastor, his staff, his casual acquaintances, and various socialist subversives running amok in Washington. The only Obama associate to escape withering defamation has been his dog Bo.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Ines Sainz: How can NFL Players NOT sexually harass her?

    The NFL and its players have a reputation problem. It seems that every 10 minutes or so, an NFL player or former NFL player is being accused of assaulting a woman or worse. As problem’s go, it’s not a good one. But with the incredible popularity of the game, thus far things like rape and domestic abuse have barely made a dent in the game.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Enthusiasm Gap leads Race Card, Lady Gaga in new Rasmussen Poll

    WASHINGTON – In a new Rasmussen poll today of people who may or may not vote in November, more than ever are now saying that the “Enthusiasm Gap” is what they are watching for as the mid-terms approach.

    “I think that’s what matters most to me,” said Tim Johnson, of Tupelo Miss. “What this country needs is more enthusiasm. Enthusiasm!”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Anti-Muslims protest Mosque to be built on top of Mosque

    SEATTLE – “Do I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse?” cried out Marty Peretz.

    “Where are the peaceful Muslims?! Where are the peaceful Muslims?” wrote Sarah Palin on her Facebook page.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Welcome to DagBlog! Have you learned the 'Wolfrum Rules' yet?

    I see that Dagblog is getting a diverse group of new voices via Readers Blogs. As a regular  contributor, I'd like to say hi and tell you a little about myself:

    1) My name is William K. Wolfrum

    2) DagBlog is my bitch.

    DF's picture

    Megan McArdle Still Doesn't Understand Basic Economics

    Brad DeLong is a professor of economics at Cal.  Megan McArdle is a hack in the employ of the Atlantic (for some reason).

    Megan, meet Professor DeLong.

    The real treat here is that McArdle comes by DeLong's blog to defend her stupidity in comments.  DeLong, again, tries to clue her in.  The fun comes when she finally realizes her simple (yet gargantuan) error and has to finally utter the resounding mea culpa of, "Oops."

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Ask Tamburlaine: Burning Korans Is a Bad Idea

    Who on Earth is crazy enough to burn the Koran? Until two weeks ago, my answer has always been "raging lunatics in Elizabethan drama." You know, stage characters from the age of Shakespeare, the kind of people who are prone to cutting off their own hands, biting off their tongues and spitting them on the stage, or baking their enemies in pies and serving them for dinner. The people who make Hamlet seem well-adjusted. Certainly, I didn't think of it as the kind of thing real people did.

    Orlando's picture

    Indonesian Travel Journal: Happy Holidays!

    Lebaran is this weekend which means I have successfully completed my first Ramadan in a Muslim country. I wasn't affected much. My area of the city has almost as many Christians as Muslims, so the restaurants were still crowded at lunch time. I was more careful about eating, and drinking alcohol, outside during daylight hours and I didn't eat in front of my Muslim co-workers prior to sundown, but other than that, life went on normally.

