The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Political newbie David Frum finds Palin's White-only ad "Remarkable"

    In her effort to make white moms her base, Sarah Palin’s PAC put out a video that showed just how much she loves (white) women.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    How to Lose a Counterinsurgency: Part II

    (Or, Lessons the British Army Taught Us)

    Part II: Let the War Drag On and On

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    LeBron James to take a shower tonight at 8:30 p.m. – ESPN Reports

    CLEVELAND – Basketball star LeBron James will reportedly be taking a shower at around 8:30 p.m. EST tonight. James – who averaged nearly 30 points and nine assists per game in 2009-2010 – will very likely use soap, shampoo and possibly conditioner, said an anonymous ESPN source.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Breaking News: Milwaukee Politician Is Really Really Dumb

    And we have reached a new low.

    So my last post was a collection of media cuts that made Republicans look like idiot arse-nuggets.  In the post I stated that I was sure that there were plenty of dummy Democrats but they were not as vocal as the stupid Republicans.  Basically saying that both parties have a structural defects because they keep nominating complete dolts to run this country.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sea Turtles: Crazed Death Machines That Should Be Burned Alive

    If a Sea Turtle could, it would murder you with its bare hands. And liberal environmentalists would like nothing more than to allow this ancient species to gain the power they’ve always slowly plotted.

    Sea Turtles are often portrayed as wise, harmless keepers of the deep. But such a description couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact is this – Sea Turtles are monstrous man-eaters that make Great White Sharks look like otters.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Mitt Romney and the Cold War Redux

    Well in an unexpected move to prove his manliness and tough guy persona,  Mitt Romeny has come out in favor of nuclear proliferation.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Obama orders Media away from LeBron James

    CLEVELAND – Citing potential “National Security Issues,” President Barack Obama today ordered all media to stay 2,000 feet away from basketball superstar LeBron Jame

    tmccarthy0's picture

    On Beck University, Unemployment Benefits, and the Chris Matthews Follow Up

    We are all so incredibly lucky to witness the inception of Beck University! Beck University has exactly two employees and Beck, the employese being a strange PhD named Dr. Stoner.
