The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Dear George Alan Rekers, Thank you - Love,

    Dear Mr. Rekers,

    We just wanted to send you a message to thank you for choosing to “carry your luggage” and helping give us more publicity than we could have ever hoped for. Your help will put us on top this year.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Climategate be gone: Climate scientists cleared of malpractice

    Remember Climategate? Well, the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, which was the target of climate-deniers wrath, has cleared of “any deliberate scientific malpractice,” and had a panel declare their methodology sound.

    From Bad Astronomer Phil Plait:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    InterOil (IOC): A (unreported) family affair?

    Not long ago, actor Shia LaBeouf, star of the upcoming “Wall Street II,” delved into the world of advising investors, as he had these kind words to say about InterOil:

    “IOC’s momentum is major, and it will surprise to the upside,” texted LeBeouf to a GQ writer.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    In U.S. politics, never bet against the incumbent

    Yesterday, Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina held primaries. And while it is a small sampling group, whether it was a primary for governor, the U.S. Senate, or the House, 100 percent of incumbents running for re-election won their races.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Obama plugs BP Oil Spill with bodies of Wright, Ayers, shoots Faisal Shahzad; hopes for bipartisanship

    GULF OF MEXICO – Dressed in only swimming trunks, U.S. President Barack Obama today swam 5,000 feet down and plugged the spewing geyser of oil left by the British Petroleum Oil rig that exploded April 20. Obama used the bodies of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright to plug the well, thus saving the Gulf of Mexico and the U.S. from even worse contamination from the oil spill.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Pope Benedict credited with “Miracle” for attention-diverting oil spill, NYC car bomb

    VATICAN – Pope Benedict XVI has gotten a big boost in his work for potential canonization due to attention-diverting incidents around the planet, sources say.

    “Every night, the Pope has prayed that something would happen that would take people’s minds off the fact he protected pedophile priests,” said the source. “And now, look around, it’s truly a miracle.”

    After several weeks of non-stop news regarding Catholic priests molesting children and the Catholic Church hiding the truth, there has been a literal explosion of big news around the world, including:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tea Party Attempts To Stop Gulf Oil Spill By Shouting Slogans At It

    LOUISIANA – Emboldened by their protests against the United States government, several Tea Party organizations made their way to Louisiana this morning in an effort to stop the massive Gulf oil spill by shouting slogans at it.

    “Don’t Tread on me!” shouted one protester near the marshlands along Louisiana’s southern coast.

    “GET A BRAIN! MORANS,” read one sign.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Not the Real Shakespeare

    Flavia has a post that makes me laugh. She recently went to see a Shakespeare comedy produced by a regional theater company, who staged it in modern dress, worked to keep the piece "accessible and appealing," and used some good, old-fashioned slapstick. In short, the production was straight out of the standard Shakespearean-performance playbook: faithful to the text but using costumes and set as an interpretive gloss.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Ivy League/Wall Street Connection

    Ezra Klein recently tried to answer the question "Why is Goldman Sachs full of Ivy Leaguers?" by interviewing a Harvard/Goldman alum. (h/t to a righteously repulsed DougJ).

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    New GOP Platform: Microchip Mexicans & use them for barter, cleaning oil spills

    WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee came forward today with a one-page document showcasing its new platform for the remainder of the year.

    The new platform is based on illegal immigration and keeping medical expenses down. From the document:
