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    Man being evicted from Home doesn’t care what Harry Reid said in 2008

    SALEM, Mass. — L.T. Johnson was busy tying a sofa to the roof of his Pinto hatchback, when he was forced to think long and hard about the most recent political controversy.

    “Harry Reid said the word Negro when talking about Obama? And Apologized?” said Johnson, now unemployed for 24 consecutive months. “Yeah, I just don’t care, I need a place for my family to live, so I`m not all too interested in stuff like this.”

    Stuff like this is the fact that Reid, when praising Obama in 2008, said that the then-candidate didn`t have much of a “Negro Dialect“. When news of the comment came up, Reid quickly apologized for it, and Obama said the issue was dead.

    The news sent Conservative bloggers rushing madly to their keyboards. Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell said that Reid should immediately resign.

    “The economy is still mostly dead, health care is languishing and terrorists are around every corner,” said McConnell. “Because of this, Harry Reid should resign his seat due to something he said more than a year ago. This is the biggest story of the year and hearings should be held.”

    Still, despite learning just how important Reid’s gaffe was (The Drudge Report ran a banner headline stating “He said what? Harry and the Negro”) Johnson and his family seemed to miss the vitality of the moment.

    “Seriously dude, I have no time for this,“ said Johnson, who stated that most his friends in the area had lost their homes, as well. “I need to make sure we can get a cot at the homeless shelter.“

    For his part, McConnell saw the positives of Reid’s statements, especially after Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and all the networks gave news of the gaffe round-the-clock coverage.

    “We’re going to really filibuster everything now, said McConnell. “If Harry Reid can say a shocking word two years ago, then it’s our respopnsibility to keep Congress tied up in knots. That’s what the American people are really after.”

    In other news, the U.S. economy continues to shed jobs and three U.S. troops were killed in the ongoing war in Afghanistan.



    Obviously Mr. "L.T. Johnson," if that's even his real name, doesn't understand the point of democracy. Maybe he should drive his "Pinto," if that's even his real car, to Cuba.

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