oldenGoldenDecoy's picture

    What the Unfriendly Fart Droppers Fail to Understand.

    Fart droppers? You know who I mean . . .

    All too often, the trolling authoritarian enabler types that frequent the various threads here at TPM Cafe attempt to support their arguments by attacking and insulting those who hold opposing views, or they jump into a thread and act as a proverbial fart dropper just to sidetrack the attention of a fellow commentator.  The majority of these folks -- at least the ones with an IQ of a fence post -- who have not caught on to the fact that their authoritarian leaders are no longer in the majority will continue to play these mind games with others until the proverbial cows come home, or everyone starts to totally ignore the fart dropper...

    For the sake of clarity, the usual MO of these authoritarian enablers is to vainly attempt to make folks feel too confused, demoralized, and disunited to put up an effective opposition to their fairy tales and stupid ass antics. Fortunately, those with a modicum of common sense quickly realize the game and ignore the enabler and refuse to put up with their type of unfortunate form of boring insanity.

    I am sorry to have to put this so bluntly, but when I hear these wackos say that their vituperations are our final line of defense against tyranny, or that the only way is their way or the highway, I usually spit my coffee across my keyboard in an uncontrollable fit of hysterical laughter. But they're really not that funny. Funny sad, maybe. Are they absolutely salacious? Are they simply being nasty to be nasty? Or are they merely embracing a delusion fed to them from their once powerful authoritarian leaders in which they must believe their own bullshit in order to continue believing in themselves? The complete answer to that question is a long one. Fortunately, any person with a brain that can reason knows the answer after having to endure the past 8 years of total incompetence and chaos at the highest levels of government. I've answered parts of that question in several of my previous comments throughout the blogosphere, and I'll answer other parts in future ones.

    For now, I'll just say that if these fart dropping authoritarian enablers opened their eyes, they'd realize that the majority of good-hearted folks, acting by what is considered normal adult behaviour, actually soothe each others pain, not try to inflict pain. But what can one expect when the majority of these bozos rationalize torture as being something like some innocent prank or college hazing?

    Given the fastidious political rhetoric of our times, the wordy authoritarian enablers write a crap-load of long boring statements that mean practically nothing. What's sneaky is that they construct those statements in such a way that it usually never occurs to a casual reader to analyze them. Analysis most certainly indicates that these dipsticks keep telling everyone within earshot that people don't mind having their communities turned into divisive zones of unhappy citizens. I'm guessing that these wackos pipe that kind of BS as an echo after they've read the same type of crap on some other web site, or heard it on some radio program, or a TV show of dubious validity, such as the freeps or Hannity, or ol' bluster-butt Rushbo himself.

    More reliable sources generally indicate that there are some simple truths in this world. First, these types of authoritarian enabling ding-a-lings, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to attempt to force others to adopt rigid social standards and roles that compromise one's own inner code of ethics. Second, their reports are normally attributable to an ignorance born of fear. And finally, they can't quite comprehend that the power they've been following for the past 8 years that just walked out the White House door had never actually gotten ahead because of their own hard work or innovative ideas. Rather, all of their successes are due to kickbacks, bribes, black market double-dealing, outright thuggery, and unsavory political intrigue. So, how should one expect the parroting enablers of those crooks to act any differently? After all: these authoritarian enablers favorite activities quite often include cheating, lying, and tricking people into believing that they are the masters of precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, and other undeveloped human capabilities.

    That is all ...



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