Michael Maiello's picture

    In the SOTU, did Obama promise to preserve Social Security's currently promised benefits for all workers?

    Yes. A plain language reading of his words implies a direct promise.
    20% (4 votes)
    No. He left wiggle room to, for example, change inflation calculations so that benefits aren't technically "cut."
    80% (16 votes)
    Total votes: 20
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Rep. Paul Ryan: King Herbert Hoover II

    We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity. And it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed. That's the real secret to job creation -- not borrowing and spending more money in Washington. Limited government and free enterprise have helped make America the greatest nation on earth.

    -- Paul Ryan, 2011

    By adherence to the principles of decentralization, self-government, ordered liberty, and opportunity and freedom to the individual our American experiment has yielded a degree of well-being unparalleled in all the world. It has come nearer to the abolition of poverty, to the abolition of fear of want that humanity has ever reached before. Progress of the past seven years is the proof of it.

    -- Herbert Hoover, 1928

    Great minds think alike.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    State of the Union: The Undecided Voters' Rebuttal

    Hey everyone!

    First, let me thank the Undecided Voters who have asked me to give this rebuttal - which is like a speech thing I'm told and is important.  Anyway, President Barack Obama's was talking last night was on a bunch of channels I'm told. I saw a little of it and thought his tie was kind of weird, but maybe it stood for something important like Barney.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Running the SOTU over the Hoover Dam

    What would happen if you were put into a store that had everything you needed or wanted or could possibly use and were told just take what you need or want and the only thing you had to do was leave something of value there. Either something you made or grew or some service you can provide. No money or anything.

    oleeb's picture

    President Hoover Is Back

    I've Been watching State of the Union Speeches since LBJ was President.  Never have any of them been so inadequate to the moment.

    Our President and the rest of the leaders of our country have failed us all and miserably so.  Worse than everything else is how badly our elites are failing our children.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    What can be, should be, said in the SOTU?

    With the approaching SOTU speech by Obama I know some may wish to focus on specific policies said or not said.  But what I will find interesting to watch during this fundamentally pure political theater event is the theoritical framing which builds with his discourse.  


    A Presidency can be about programs and policies. A Presidency can also be a story about a man and a journey.

    The writer John Gardner claimed that there are two basic story forms -- "A Stranger comes to Town" and "We go on a Journey".

    Taken as story President Obama's first two years in office overlooked both basic forms.

    Richard Day's picture


                      THE 40TH PRESIDENT OF THE USA

    Several years ago I watched a comedian on the Comedy Channel describe Ronald Reagan thusly:

    Ronald Reagan had as much to do with the Reagan Administration as a hood ornament on a 1956 Buick had with driving its owner to work.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    If CNN can call for Mass Bloodshed, then so can I!

    Before I start this blog post, let me make one thing absolutely clear - I do not, under any circumstance, advocate armed insurrection against the United States. That, my friends, is totally not my scene.

    Time for Wikileaks

    In artappraiser's comment to Wolfrum's Keith Olbermann post, she links to the Times' contribution to the cover story.

    Not to repeat my post on Comcast's necessary involvement, but had it actually been true that it had just stood on the sideline every Comcast shareholder would right now be on his way to his lawyer to sue them.  For negotiating an acquisition without the usual prohibition against cardinal changes prior to closing. 

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    This Blog Post makes absolutely no difference so who the hell cares anyway?

    In a short matter of time, Conservative thinkers have leaped completely over Libertarianism and moved on to full-fledged Nihilism. The New York Times' Ross Douthat leads the charge


    Donal's picture

    Who Can Spend?

    In good news for my profession, architectural billing has come back from the abyss.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Return of the Genghis! Plus...Genghis on the TV - Sat. 9pm, Sun. 10am ET

    As news of Keith Olbermann's departure from MSNBC stormed through the blogosphere like a hyperactive Nor'easter, distraught liberals took heart in the return of another beloved hero from self-imposed exile. Genghis is back!

    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Private Internet

    This is outside my usual subject matter so forgive me if it's trite or has been done before, but I've had a couple of Internet experiences lately that have really driven home for me how much things have changed.  When I started using the Internet back at the end of high school (around 1993) it was a bunch of bulletin boards with text interfaces.  It probably wasn't a commerce thing for me until around 1998/99 (making me a late adopter, I know, but for awhile I got an employee discount at a book, movie and video store so why Amazon?)  Throughout, there was a sense of the public square to the

    Barth's picture


    Maybe the Speaker started something. If men are now allowed to cry in public, the one writing these words have certainly availed himself of this new privilege in the past two weeks. From hearing that Congresswoman Giffords had opened her eyes and the heroism of so many who allowed her to live, and saved as many lives as possible when her fears were realized and a young man who was so easily able to purchase a gun to kill her, to hearing again the first words I can recall having been spoken as a president was inaugurated, the tears have flown very freely.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Joe Lieberman and the Changing Vice-Presidency

    So, Joe Lieberman is leaving. Or rather, Joe Lieberman is announcing that he's going to take his ball and go home, so that there's absolutely no way to get any leverage over him for the next two years. So I expect we'll all see much more written about him on the blogs.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Keith Olbermann finished at MSNBC

    Liberals and the Twitters are all abuzz after it was announced that Keith Olbermann taped his last "Countdown" show on MSNBC tonight and will be leaving the network. While immediate speculation was made about Comcast's purchase of NBC being why, thus far, no reason has been given.

    coatesd's picture

    Defending Health Care Reform – Again!

    It has been very difficult in these last few days to decide whether or not to respond to the House Republicans’ first major political initiative of 2011 – their introduction and passing of the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. Why respond, when responding suggests that the initiative is sufficiently serious as to warrant a carefully crafted reaction? Why respond, and give the initiative a legitimacy it probably does not deserve? It has been very difficult to decide.


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