Michael Wolraich's picture

    Update on Importing TPM Cafe Posts to Dagblog

    Longtime readers may have noticed that dagblog is running a bit sluggish lately. The plodding performance is an unfortunate consequence of my having imported a massive stack of blog posts from Talking Points Memo Cafe. Actually, the problem is not the posts themselves but the comments hanging off of them. The 54,544 comments that have made their new home in our database are gumming up the works. We've got plenty of disk space and RAM, but the operations on the comments table are taking up too much processing power.

    There is optimization work that I can do that could solve the problem, but that will take time that I don't have at the moment. In the meantime, I propose to readers whose blogs have been imported that we archive comments from their old posts for now. I won't delete them, and I will be able to easily restore them in the future after I have time to optimize. Thanks for your understanding, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

    PS For anyone who still wants to import their blog posts, that's still possible. Just register at dagblog and leave a comment that includes your TPM login name.



    Probably best to dump the comments.


    Dumping comments would be wise. A large change has been made. And honestly, probably 45,000 of those comments are give-and-takes between people calling each other jerks. Importing the posts here has been fantastic, I think everyone will agree. But with a budget of nothing, I think it would be understood if comments needed to go. There's my 2 cents.

    However, I'd advise to keep any comments I have made on old TPM posts. There aren't very many of them. They could be valuable one day.

    I've already printed your TPM comments and bound them on on lambskin. Unfortunately, the laser printer didn't play very nicely with the lambskin, but I think that it's more artistic this way.

    I got drool more interesting than Wolfrum's best comments.

    I donno, it's like he's commenting in Brazilian or some foreign language or something. 

    Then again, when I blog, I don't pay much attention to other people's comments anyway, right?  I mean... who does?

    Delete or not, as you will.

    But me? I'd delete that goddamn Yahoo Mail self-help group first. Those buggers are ENDLESS. 

    No way, jose. That article is dag's most popular post of all time. I should put viagra ads up there to subsidize a bitchin' new server.

    It's the lamb that wouldn't play nicely.  Now it's running around, covered in Internet comments...

    Genghis, like Quinn, I have been unable to locate an edit tab. Once I figure out how, there are many old blogs I can delete.

    Have you checked lately? There was a bug that prevented you from editing imported posts, but I fixed it yesterday. If you still don't see it, please let me know one of the posts that you can't edit.

    Shoot; to find your blog, type MyTpM and your user name in a google bar, and click the first right hit you get; the full archives are at the bottom

    You can open each one you want to save, hightlight everything (slide the cursor back and forth over the task bar to speed up the highlighting, dump it all into a word doc., comments and all.

    You could always dump them onto a flash drive if they take up too much space.

    Then you'd have your comments, and won't be taxing Genghis's system...


    I regard my blogs as ephemeral and don't really want them saved. Comments even less.

    Keep the comments, but dump the blogs, or just move them to Yahoo Mail.


    "Rootman" is just bitter 'cause he got dumped for Favre.

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