The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    amike's picture


    Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide,     In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side;     Some great cause, God's new Messiah, offering each the bloom or blight,     Parts...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Declaration of Human Values

    Ok folks, it is time for the second installment of:   THE DECLARATION OF AMERICAN VALUES   We the people of the United States of America at this crucial time in History affirm the core consensus values which form...
    Nebton's picture

    Innocent until proven guilty? Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?

    Two phrases that get tossed around a bit are "Innocent until proven guilty" and "Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt". Of course, these phrases are typically reserved for people we want to defend or people we don't want to believe could be guilty of the crime they're accused of.

    SleepinJeezus's picture

    The case for keeping "single payer health care" off the table

    President Obama has said that if we were starting from scratch, a single payer health care plan would undoubtedly make sense. Yet this assessment is offered, unfortunately, as a roundabout way of explaining why a single payer plan will not...
    amike's picture

    Morning Edition on NPR: Big Health Insurance with no response

    Here's the NPR promo for the segment:Many of the nation's health insurers are opposed to a key part of the Democrats' plan to overhaul health care. Supporters call it the "public option" -- which means the government would offer a...
    Richard Day's picture


    WASHINGTON -- Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter Liz said Tuesday she doesn't believe her father did anything wrong in connection with a secret CIA operation that officials have said was designed to capture and kill al-Qaida figures. Asked directly...
    Ramona's picture

    The Fight for Health Care, Part 2 - My Man Stupak takes 'em on

    In my last post I tried to shine light on the abuses of the health insurance industry by highlighting Bill Moyers' Journal conversation with Wendell Potter about their efforts to keep the American people from knowing how universally acceptable Universal...
    Richard Day's picture


     Origin of the Neophilim:  When men began to multiply on earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of heaven saw how beautiful the daughters of man were and so they look for their wives as many of...
    amike's picture


    Does anyone teach Ozymandias any more?  No, silly, I don't mean this oneI mean this one:    I met a traveler from an antique land    Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone    Stand in the desert . . ....
    Ramona's picture

    Bill Moyers shines light on the health insurance mess - a Journalistic Best

    There are so few mainstream investigative journalists in this country anymore, I have to wonder in whose pockets the MSM has cozily slipped--and why.When one of our best investigative newspapers has slipped to such depths that it's publisher invites health...
    CVille Dem's picture


    I was floating around, and just happened to notice the list of the "most followed users," and I realized that many of them haven't posted anything for quite some time.  I wonder if it might be more helpful --  if...
    Richard Day's picture


       Western Philosophy 19th-century philosophy Alexis de Tocqueville                                                      Samuel Langhorne Clemens What men called 'the people' in the most democratic republics of antiquity was very unlike what we designate by that term. In Athens all the citizens played a...
    we are stardust's picture

    David Brooks has his inner thigh fondled by a Republican Senator at a dinner party.

    In his MSNBC interview, he tells that part of the story, then says he was "like eww; get me out of here."  Now I have read some of the online comments about it, and mainly they are sick jokes claiming...
    amike's picture

    A Quick Techie thing.

    I know a lot of the addicted TPM-ers follow folks here.  I don't know how many are familiar with Change Detection dot com.  I use it mainly to monitor changes to my blog by being notified of those changes by...
    Barth's picture

    Now we know why

    No. I don't mean that there is anything surprising about tonight's revelation that it was the Vice President from the late administration who directed the CIA to conduct some activities without any notice at all to Congress, hardly news to...
    Richard Day's picture


    Two tapes were sent to 'The Pajama Blogs' and reached me by mistake. I thought I might share parts of them with you. March 10, 2004 I WANT TURDTACO IN THIS HERE OFFICE PRONTO!!!!! So rang the message from...
    stillidealistic's picture

    A RANT - Stilli Style! (or...a case of the ass)

    I am a born mediator. I don't know if this is a curse or a blessing. I can see both sides of most issues, and have few beliefs that are set in concrete. I put myself in the other people's...
    Richard Day's picture


    As Chappelle or Chris Rock might put itWHERE THE WHITE WOMEN AT?This fine 'clip' is from Drudge. And they do not call it Drudge for nothin. They have played the actual video of this mishap.  Our president slips on...
    amike's picture

    Progressivism gone awry? IV: A Tale of Two Houses

    No, Not the House of Commons and the House of Representatives.    There is a quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder, and this meaner quality is the dishonest mask of pretended order, achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                                Jeff Sessions Elmer Fudd Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) is the junior United States Senator from Alabama. He is a member of the Republican Party, and the new ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee...
    Richard Day's picture


    Steve King You know, I am working on something with LisB, so I was going to skip a blog today. But it is exactly at those times that I come across something so awesome that it is hard to just...
    Ramona's picture

    83-year-old blogger skewers Palin and Pals - Priceless!

    Some mornings I just ramble around, reading online stuff here and there, finding things that either inspire me or crack me up--and I ramble so much I have no idea how I got to the places I've been. Such was...
    we are stardust's picture

    These new Palin poll numbers indicate it's almost head-in-the-oven-time.

    A new USA Today/Gallup poll (post resignation presser-by-the-lake) shows a whopping 71% of Republicans polled say they would vote for Palin in 2012!  Also scary, 51% of Independents polled say they would not vote for her.  For President!  Even now! ...
    Richard Day's picture


    Michael Jackson Ok, now sometimes I must speak of things that I do not like. There is no news today, AGAIN. Oh, by the way, Michael Jackson is dead. I recall 25 years ago watching VH1 and this skinny guy...
    Richard Day's picture


    Jesse, a friend of mine here introduced me to:   THE DECLARATION OF AMERICAN VALUES   We the people of the United States of America at this crucial time in History affirm the core consensus values which form the...
