The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "May Posterity Forget That Ye Were Our Countrymen"

    Posted below are a few indications of where the founders and other wise ancestors would be aligned in the question about pursuing Justice for alleged perpetrators of crimes against humanity and violations of our Bill of Rights. It is difficult...

    Calling All Antibodies

    As President Obama reminds us, our body politic is infected with a serious contagion. Symptoms of the pandemic include:Constriction of nerve pathways in the frontal lobeFrothing at the mouthNarcissismVerbal diarrheaExcruciating, non-localized distressWeak, halting production of liquidityHallucinatory investingLoss of self-esteemDamaged relationshipsAggressive...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Today Has Been An Awesome Day...

    This has been an absolutely awesome day.I feel sorry for the people who couldn't share in the joy and the pride that we supporters have been able to. The Inauguration was inspiring. Imagine...Barack Hussein Obama is our new President. He...

    Top 10 Boxes Cheney Lifted

    10. Mini jewelbox of plutonium-impregnated marbles he lost in George H.W. Bush White House (including Aggie used to beat president Ford and brain matter used against Bush II with apparent success).9. Jumbo corrugated 60" x 48" box of manure dumped...
    oleeb's picture

    Never Again!

    I clearly recall the jubilation of Nixon leaving office.  For most of us it was a long awaited moment of relief and perhaps the country would recover from the mean-spirited nastiness of the Nixon White House and the pall it...
    amike's picture

    The Glory of the Cheap Seats.

    I'm sitting in my office at the university, listening to C-span and waiting for the powers that be here to rev up the Projection Screen down the hall.  In the meantime, I've been watching the scenes from the mall, and...
    amike's picture

    Something to tickle your ear.

    This morning I snarked public radio.  I'd like to offer a very late listening tip from my local station, WGBH in Boston.  Eric Jackson always provides a musical tribute to Martin Luther King on his January 19th version of Eric...
    Barth's picture


    I have two.  One is from 1961 and will help get you set for the day's doings on Tuesday. The other is from last year and was entitled Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....
    amike's picture

    Three Cheers for Stodgy old C-Span

    It's been a long while since I ventured a post at TPM Cafe.  I suspect it was having to admit I didn't understand the new format for posting.  I've swallowed my pride and hope to have something moderatly useful to...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Pete Seeger was there ...

    There is a photo on the Wikipedia page for Pete Seeger, who'll be 90 this year.  It shows him singing for Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1940's.  Today he was up on stage with Bruce Springsteen, leading the crowd in singing Woody...
    Barth's picture

    The West Wing comes to life

    We sat there for all those seasons wondering why we could not have a real President Bartlet, with all those smart people worrying about our country and its problems. When the Bartlet administration came to an end, and the series...
    quinn esq's picture

    Every Single One Of Your Atoms... Has Been In A Jam

    This man serving communion through the wall at the US-Mexican border reminds me of my friend. Or rather, he reminds me of a friend of mine from twenty-odd years ago. My friend had it all. Brilliant. Well-spoken. Funny. Kind. Tall too....
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "You, too, can be a success on Wall Street!"

    Click below to learn about a guaranteed path to wealth and fortune designed specifically for the ethically impaired. Enjoy! ...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    The "Human Resource" is not an Expendable Commodity

    Henry Ford was obsessed with improving the assembly line and standardizing his product as the means to gain efficiencies and cost savings. All inputs to production were carefully studied to ensure that they were acquired at the lowest cost which was then reflected in the lower sale price of the cars he manufactured.

    oleeb's picture

    Roger Simon: Moron? Or the Biggest Moron Ever?

    I was surfing the net and came to yahoo and saw the headline: "In politics, does race race trump gender?"  So, I checked it out.  Turns out yahoo was shilling an article by Roger Simon, well known wingnut dumbass, that...

    Dean Baker, Plus FDR and New Deal Reading

    At the cafe we are fortunate enough to be able to read Dean Baker regularly.  But if you are looking for a nice summary, for others as well as yourself, of his explanations of the stock market and housing bubble bursts, and how...
    oleeb's picture

    LEAKED! Secret Memo to DC Democrats on Health Care Reform Strategy

    mageduley's picture

    Joe The Clueless Reporter (and maybe even possibly senator also?)

    I thought we were done with pure, unadulterated stupidity. Palin is back in Alaska. GWB is outta there in just a few short days. Why oh why does the the ridiculous right feel the need to torture us with...
    jollyroger's picture

    Exit Bush, trailing Sulphur and White Phosphorus.

    As if to verify his *demonic bona fides it would seem that G-Dub’s final turn on the geopolitical stage will be as the enabler for and supplier of Israel’s use of this century’s napalm-on-steroids, white phosphorus. …if packed into an...
    mageduley's picture

    What You Do With What You Got

    I love the message Eddi Reader is conveying. It reaches out and grabs your heart.(Click image to play)You must know someone like himHe was tall and strong and leanWith a body like a greyhoundAnd a mind so sharp and...
    Barth's picture

    Charles Morgan Jr. or asking not what one's country could do for him

    There is an airport that serves our national capitol which is named after Ronald Reagan and when he died, and almost daily since then, we are forced to listen to discussions about his greatness. The other day a man named...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Forget Single-Payer, or..."The Obama Health Care Plan According to Zeke Emmanuel"

    I heard Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel interviewed on a local NPR station this morning; you can go here for it.  He is Rahm's brother, and is a part of the Obama administration's health care team.  This is a brief summary from what...

    Burris - the truth starts to emerge.

    For all of you who seem to think that Burris is such a decent and honest (totally rejected by Illinois voters time and time again) guy who would never engage in any sort of quid-pro-quo ... this just in. ...the...
    oleeb's picture

    Either we are a nation of laws, not of men or we are not

    Regardless of what anyone thinks of Gov. Blago of Illiniois, he remains the Governor and therefore retains all the powers of the office undiminished in any way.  It is very clear that he has full authority to appoint anyone who...
    quinn esq's picture

    I've Come Unstuck In Time

    Like Billy Pilgrim, I've come unstuck in time. And I think I like it.For years now, I've woken up & not known what day it was. Or where I was. Or even who I was. And yes, that last one in...
