The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    GotToBeMe's picture

    Political Cartoon: Uncle Sam, People will Speak

    Uncle Sam is stuck

    No need to bomb, no need to install another "authority" figure, worse than the other.

    People will speak, whether in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or the United States of America.

    Time to come home. We've got to take care of people here.

    Crossposted at

    Barth's picture

    In other News

    Last week, it was "Winter."   This week's awesome, yet already dated, insights about things with barely any political import will simply reside here.

    As I post this, I observe that you can take teams out of New York (the team now called "San Fransisco") and Boston ("Atlanta') but some things just seem to run to form anyway.


    coatesd's picture

    Countering the Enthusiasm Gap

                What a difference two years make in times as serious as these. Two Novembers ago, all was hope and glory on the center-left in American politics, all was despair and despondency on the center-right. But that is not how things stand now. The political momentum has shifted back, and shifted back very quickly, into the hands of the very conservative forces whose future looked so bleak when Obama first entered the White House.

    wws's picture

    Emily Post-It: Meta on Manners

    Carrie Bradshaw, of Sex and the City, was once infuriated when a man she had been seeing broke up with her ...on a Post-It. She thought him badly-mannered to employ such tactics, rather than discussing it face-to-face.  

    I  agree. Unfortunately, on the blogosphere, we do not have face-to-face contact. So I must break up with a serial poster here via ... a Post, about It.

    Reverend Ezekiel Leviticus's picture

    Christian Pastor's call for avoiding yoga doesn't go far enough

    Dear friends in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Pastor Ezekiel Leviticus here writing to you from the church compound in Amarillo Texas.  I would like to express my support for a fellow brother in Christ who's come under fire for some comments he made while speaking the truth about the evils of Yoga.

    Richard Day's picture



    File:Lon Chaney Jr..jpg

        Andrew Napolitano's Dad


    Andrew Napolitano is nuts.

    But these days it is difficult to find much sanity; especially on the political right.

    Napoleondynamite was born about nine days after me somewhere in New Joisey. His mother was a middle class Italian-American.

    Barth's picture

    When the "Tea Party" took over the GOP the first time

    In the year the Republican Party nominated Senator Barry Goldwater as its presidential candidate, there was never any chance he could win.  The country was still reeling from the murder of its young, exciting president, and many people felt that his memory could best be honored by enacting the laws the late President had urged on the country.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    We Have Work To Do!

    I just ordered my Kindle edition of Blowing Smoke, which will be delivered by October 10th.  Can't wait to read it.  Couldn't help but notice that there are no user reviews for the book on Amazon yet.  I definitely plan to write one after I consume some book but, come on...

    CVille Dem's picture


    Jesus Ochoa reluctantly announced that rescue efforts will be terminated due to the fact that three of the 33 trapped miners had not paid 75 pesos for "Rescue Insurance." When asked about the other 30 miners who had paid up, Ochoa responded that it was a tough call, but a necessary one.

    Richard Day's picture


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                                                                   JAMES HIRNI, DOUBLE AGENT

    I watched Traitor again last night. Great flick about a double agent. Less James Bond and more like Night of the Living Dead.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Austerity Blunder?

    It's non-farm payroll Friday, where we celebrate the work of everyone who isn't a farmer.  The unemployment rate stayed unchanged at 9.6% with government employment falling by 159,000 and private sector employment (mostly in health care, hospitality and mining) rising by 64,000.  Barry Ritholtz has the no-nonsense quick-take here.

    Reach Your Children Well

    As some of you know, I've been feeling very nostalgic about my father, lately, and thinking about parents and their children in general quite a lot as well.

    How timely, then, that one of my favorite bands, the Beatles, have their offspring in the news.

    Yoko and Cynthia getting along out of the blue, with Julian and Sean as their tie...and, of course, John being the major tie that binds.

    Donal's picture

    Worshipping Evil

    In reviewing several works on Mexico's drug wars for the New York Review of Books, Alma Guillermoprieto herself gives a rundown of the cartel culture in Mexico. 

    Richard Day's picture


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    There are several new articles on my friend Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Yes, He Can Veto!

    Welcome news from the Obama Administration today.  The President will veto (either outright or as a pocket veto) the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010.  The bill orders federal and state courts to recognize the the marks of out of state notaries.  It's actually been floating around Washington for a long time, getting nowhere but then it was suddenly and unanimously (and quietly) passed by the Senate on its last day in official session, right when homeowners, plaintiffs a

    we are stardust's picture

    Alan Grayson's 'Taliban Dan Webster' Ad: Open Thread: Have an Opinion? Please Share It.

    Markos Moulitsas says his new book American Taliban (etc.) is receiving plenty of criticism from the Left.

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Boss Tweed, Thomas Nast.jpg 

                             THE INFLUENCE (By Nast)

    Grandpa died last week and now he’s buried in the rocks. Everybody still talks about how badly they were shocked. But me, I expected it to happen. I knew he lost control. When he built a fire on mainstreet and shot it full of holes. BDylan

    cmaukonen's picture

    Which Side are You On ?

    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson - Democratic Republican


    Ramona's picture

    Shut your damned Enthusiasm Gap and get out there and DO something

    We all know that certain people who make it a practice to depreciate the accomplishments of labor - who even attack labor as unpatriotic - they keep this up usually for three years and six months in a row. But then, for some strange reason they change their tune- every four years- just before election day. When votes are at stake, they suddenly discover that they really love labor and that they are anxious to protect labor from its old friends.

    Richard Day's picture



                                GLENN BECK IN UNIFORM

    Talk about Jewish fatigue. ahahahah (Q thinks if I mention Jewish Fatigue I get extra reads. hahahahah)

    Dana Milbank used to be a favorite pundit of mine. Then he got into some scuffle with Keith Olbermann and kind faded away.
