The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    MrSmith1's picture

    The Ice Cream Man for President? Why Not?


    Ramona wrote:  "I'm constantly amazed at the number of so-called progressives who don't have a clue about government. They're like a bunch of kids wishing the Ice Cream Man would run for president because that would be so good!"


    Okay, hold on, Ramona.  Let's think about this for a moment.  

    The Search for Black Confederate Soldiers part II

    Okay, I've got some stuff that seems fairly credible to me, from Ervin L. Jordan Jr's Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia. I'll refrain from mentioning anecdotal evidence, and stick to stuff for which Jordan cites documentation, either Confederate Official Records or newspaper articles published either during the war or soon after.

    Richard Day's picture


    I have been viewing West Wing again. (Season 2, Ep 22)

    In this episode Mrs. Landingham purchases a brand new car. And yet, as she drives this automobile home, she is killed when a drunk driver misses a light and runs right into this brand new car.

    The episode goes retro and sends us to the fifties or sixties when President Bartlett is either in prep school or college. It was during his youth that our fictional President first met Mrs. Landingham.

    Orion's picture

    America Is In A Civil War

    If you like my writing, please check out my blog Radical Second Things and leave a donation so I can continue doing this.

    Everything that we have seen in recent years, since the market crash of 2007, seems terrifying, chaotic and crazy because of the frame of reference most Americans have.

    Orion's picture

    The Death of Intellectual Conservatism

    I was a conservative from roughly 2004 - 2011. At only 29 years old, that was a very significant amount of time and a very critical point of time for forming intellectual ideas.

    I was on a bunch of drugs most of that time too, as many of the readers and founders of this blog know well. That may very well have had an impact. Nevertheless, I read a great deal of conservative literature and genuinely believed in it.

    Orion's picture

    Trump's Fascist Component

    The Republican Party does not like Trump. Strategists for the GOP are saying he will not be the nominee. The conservative friends I have have called him a "carnival barker" and an "embarassment." Yet that embarrassing carnival barker is drawing the poll numbers and the crowds while they, with all their good intent, have candidates who are in the doldrums as far as numbers. The basis of what conservatism is is apparent and it's not pretty. As I said in my first piece, Trump taps in to voters' hearts and minds while the rest of the party and its propaganda outlets are left flabbergasted and disoriented. He has been channeled very roughly by Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly and Rand Paul only to keep standing, nodding his duck face and his toupee (or whatever that rodent on his head is) in smug arrogance.

    Orion's picture

    Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Tap In To The Same Frustration

    If you like my writing, please check out my blog Radical Second Things and leave a donation so I can continue doing this.

    I am not sure how many Dagblog readers are aware of Jonah Goldberg. Goldberg is the modern conservative intellectual heavyweight, if there can be such a thing. He replaced William F. Buckley in heading the conservative magazine National Review and he has written a number of silly books including Liberal Fascism, a strange book that features a happy face with a Hitler mustache on it. (He's not very original so he probably got that idea from Alan Moore's Watchmen graphic novel.)

    Danny Cardwell's picture

    A Message To Black Lives Matter

    Civil Rights Activism is tricky it takes courage to challenge the status quo and change social parameters. Far too many of your contemporaries see your efforts as crass, and your motivation as self serving. It will probably be 10 years before the critics understand your movement, and 20 years before the establishment tries to rebuild the images of you they're currently tearing down.  I support the measures you've used to keep your message from being ignored by the corporate media. #blackbrunch, die-ins, blocking traffic, and even hijacking political events have all been effective. My message to you is to continue practicing the kind of non threatening passive violence that has kept your movement relevant for over a year. Passive aggression takes longer, but what other options do you have? There are militant voices on the edges of your movement calling for an escalation that has the potential of starting an unwinnable war. Anyone who tries to convince you that armed insurrection should be part of any strategy to resolve the problems you're articulating is trying to co-opt your movement.

    Richard Day's picture


    There are many evils in this world, the fact is that we are not always confronted by these evils--mostly because we wish to ignore these evils.

    Lately the subject of ‘anchor babies’ has been discussed; every hour of every day; and every day of the week.

    This subject has arisen many times before, but Trump has appeared on the horizon as a beacon shining light upon this subject.

    trkingmomoe's picture

    V-J Day August 14, 1945 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII

    My parents always reminded us growing up that August 14 was the end of WWII, the day Japan had surrendered.  I almost forgot about it until I just looked at the date on the computer as I made my internet rounds before I went to bed.  For my parents this a very important date, and they wanted us to understand how it shaped their lives.

    My mother said that day everyone was waiting to hear if Japan was going to surrender.  The two atomic bombs had been dropped the week before and Japan was given an ultimatum to surrender or we would drop more.  My dad was on Saipan so my mother was glued to the radio for days.  She was listening to WKDKA from Pittsburg because that was the big station in her area, helping with the clean up after dinner when the news came from CBS New York. She and her sisters dropped everything they were doing and jumped in the Dairy truck and headed to town to celebrate.  My grandparents had a dairy and vegetable farm. Gas was rationed then so they only used the dairy truck because they made daily deliveries with it and was able to have more gas for it. 

    Elusive Trope's picture

    Where I Am Now (Mentally and Such)

    In less than a month, I will celebrate my fifth anniversary as a member of the Dagblog community. If anyone has noticed (and maybe no one has), I haven't been around that much in the recent past. Let me start by saying this is not one of those "good-bye" blogs. Rather it is more of a "I be around, bopping in from time to time." There two main reasons for this.

    Call for John von Neumann

    Let us assume Kerry/Obama somehow ensured the Iran Agreement provided our Weapons Inspectors with carte blanche  Would that  have raised or  lowered the odds that it would have actually been honored?

    Sure, when up to your ass in alligators it's sometimes  hard to remember just why you wanted to drain the swamp. But In this case clearly the object was to please not the John McCain's of the world  but the Iranians most able to increase the odds that what was supposedly agreed would be implemented

    That was Minimax...

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Picasso The Weeping Woman Tate identifier T05010 10.jpg

    Richard Day's picture


    We have a little over six hours.

    If Mike W or Mike M wishes to take over, fine. I will take this down.

    I really am wondering how this goes down, as they say.

    Richard Day's picture


    A picture of an old man sitting alone on a straw chair with his head in his hands, evoking intense sorrow.

    They just took away my Microsoft 365.

    'They' do not even know who I am.

    I cannot contact them.

    Hulu threatened to erase me just recently.

    I could not contact them.

    I paid them all the money they asked for every month.

    Paypal pays them every damn month.

    Some News Important to the World and Some More That is Really Big

    This blog could have well been linked at the “In the News” section but I wanted to make a few comments about it from the get go. First,I wish to say that I have  watched Heather Hurlburt at Bloggingheads many times and admire her intelligent commentary. I don’t always agree with everything she says but on the other hand she sometimes makes me reconsider a position which I have set in my mind.  She has some important things to say here, and more expansively in a long article which is referenced, about humanitarian interventions, for example.

    Cops Lives Matter Most of All...?

    Exhibit One on why it will be a very uphill battle to reduce cop shootings. Dr. William J. Lewinski, 'psychologist' from the Force Science Institute. Teaching cops the 'science' of why they must kill in the blink of an eye. The guy you never heard of unless you were on a jury deciding the fate of a killer cop.

    NYT Training Officers to Shoot First, and He Will Answer Questions Later.

    A 'scientist' profiled in the NYT and a huge success in cop circles, with a million subscribers to his newsletter.  His 'research' is published in non-peer reviewed magazines.

    Phil Griffin, MSNBC, are you nuts?

    Chuck Todd will take over at 5:00 p.m. in a "news hour" show at MSNBC. Alex Wagner, the host with, imo, the most personal appeal on the network is losing her show "NOW". The "Cycle" is canceled---really?--valley girl Krystal Ball? OMG!

    David Brooks at the Budget Motel

    David Brooks' mind stopped working when Ronald Reagan was elected President and since that time he has been sitting behind his desk viewing the outside world from the large end of the binoculars. What he sees is a world which, though quizzically blurred, must somehow be getting better because Daddy took charge, removed those dastardly 55 mph speed limits, and blew down the Berlin Wall with the simple force of his own baritone breath. 

    trkingmomoe's picture

    July 29th. Bernie Sanders' For President House Parties.

    Look at these numbers.  At this point in time 90,345 RSVPS's at 3.344 sites. Some of the site are large halls.  I had to change the numbers while posting this.  They are climbing tonight.  

    Here is the site with the interactive map as to where you can go to attend the Nationwide Organizing Event.  I hope the media is paying attention to this.  You know they are convinced that he is not a major player in this election.  After all he is not going to buy any of their air time so how could he possibly be a serious candidate?   

    Richard Day's picture


    I have come across several sites recently that show Eliz II giving the NAZI salute in the company of her Uncle (Edward VIII) as well as with the future Queen Mum.

    I also recall rendering my theories about the abdication of Ed VIII, in previous unnoticed posts.

    (of course most of my posts go unnoticed, and for good reason. Hahahahahah)

    There are so many sites out there enthralled by a newly released picture of King Edward and the latter Queen Mum and the future Queen Liz II (as a child) giving the NAZI salute. Hahahha

    It turns out that the British One-Percenters kind of liked this ‘new Germany’ in the 1930’s.

    MrSmith1's picture

    Marcel Duchamp at 128 - The Big Glass and Chronic Illness

    Twenty+ years ago, I wrote a play that spoofed Performance Art.   As part of my research I read a lot about Art and certain artists. One of those artists was Marcel Duchamp. I had always found his sense of humor appealing, but the more I read about him, the more fascinated with him I became. Fortunately, at the time, my sister and mother both lived in or near Philadelphia, and I got to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art a number of times, which has probably the largest single collection of Duchamp's work. This morning, a friend, (Photographer Kristina Rebelo, whose work often appears in The Haikulodeon), happened to send me a photograph of a broken window that she had taken the other day.   It immediately made me think of Duchamp's work, The Large Glass, aka The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Batchelors Even. And in doing so, I realized it had something to say to people with Chronic Illness.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Destor23 vs. David Brooks

    I got the idea that the next time David Brooks uses his column to write about nothing, I'm just going to blog fight him.  I had this idea like two days ago.  He's already gone too far.  So I will now administer a beating, with gratitude.

    Introducing... Destor23!

    And his opponent... David Brooks!
