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    Judge Nixes NSA Secret Status???


    Yes ... You have read the title correctly.

    Judge Nixes NSA Secret Status...

    Case against the government spying program will proceed and continue in ‘open’ court.

    I'm quite sure that the Hamdan vs Rummy [pdf] Gitmo dentainee ruling did not influence this federal judge one little itty-bitty iota... Naw... Not at all.

    “The compromise between liberty and security remains a difficult one,” his [judge's] ruling continued. “But dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security.”
    Once the old dominos start falling... It's nigh-on to impossible to stuff the pizza back into the box! Although. . .

    Arlen Spector and the Re'pubs on the Judiciary Committee are trying their damndest to do just that through the new wording in the capitulated (read sham) agreement to the Senate bill on Electronic Surveillance with the White House:

    The deal between President George W. Bush and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter would transfer oversight for lawsuits like the one filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against AT&T to a secret federal court. See: A Rubber Stamp
    Next ... Keep an eye on Detroit while we await the judge's ruling there on whether the lawsuit can proceed.



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