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    Marijuana II ... California Initiative With It's Roots Firmly Planted In Hell


    Here's another article dealing with the myths...


    Just a little over a week ago I had previously posted this here at dag high-lighting (pun intended) a Rand study relating to the upcoming Prop 19 marijuana legalization initiative that is on the California ballot.

    Keep in mind, as said in that earlier blog posting, I haven’t imbibed in “snapping a bowl” or torching a “fatty” or sucked my brains out on a “bong hit” in ages … but I just can't let these type of reports and opinions pass…

    Now ...

    Today, from L.J. Williamson at the LA Weekly comes this article debunking an LA Times opinion:

    Baked California ...

    Wonder what life will be like the morning after Election Day if California voters approve the ballot measure to legalize marijuana? You are not alone.

    Fortunately, Angelenos are blessed with a newspaper that has the answers. The Los Angeles Times editorial board slipped the bonds of time recently, sailing forward to witness the future and returning to tell a grateful public what it saw there.

    This article does poke a bit of levity at the LA Times position while debunking each opinion using , now hold on folks, facts.

    Times editorial: "Employers would no longer have the right to screen for marijuana use or discipline a worker for being high."

    The morning after: In the weeks after the weed initiative is approved, employers find they are powerless to keep out the legions of baked job applicants pounding on their doors. Hear that, boss? You're going to have to hire the sleepy-eyed guy in the Bob Marley tie-dye to drive your Brinks truck.

    Fact check: Proposition 19 says, "This act is not intended to affect the application or enforcement of ... any law prohibiting use of controlled substances in the workplace."


    That's just one of four main points.

    The entire article is well worth the read.




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