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    More Material to ^Crib^ to Slam the Boomers over their Heads


    During the week of January 23 through the 27th., in various threads some high level beefs and diatribes were discussed surrounding the "boomers of the sixties" and specifically the Vietnam/ demonstrations/ '68 Chicago Democratic Convention riot issue -- If any of the detractors of the boomer generation get low on ammunition about their disgust over the "hippy" boomer issues, here's some additional  rush-prop material that may help ... that you can draw from.

    Read on at your own risk.

    Ex-Liberal Hippie: Liberalism Is a Sickness

    January 25, 2007


    The King of Oxycontin: We'll go to Long Beach, California. This is Robin. I'm glad you waited. Welcome to the program.

    CALLER: Thank you, Rush. I love your show.

    The King of Oxycontin: Thank you.

    --- begin snippet ---

    The King of Oxycontin: You don’t want any morals, any judgments.

    CALLER: No moral restraint. That's why the attack on Christianity. And that's why Bill Clinton was our favorite president. I can tell you before I started to examine my life, I got sick and tired of being miserable, and I started to examine my life, and I have brought myself, I think, 180 degrees, and I say that because I raised two children that are conservatives. My son got me listening to you, so I'm proud of him.

    The King of Oxycontin: Good boy.

    CALLER: I was thrilled when Bill Clinton won the election, because, as I saw it, in my liberal days, a pot-smoking --

    The King of Oxycontin: Philandering, go ahead and say it.

    CALLER: Yeah, philandering, and, you know, he cheated Vietnam. He didn't go to Vietnam. See, I used to be in an organization that used get traitors, young men who would not go fight for the country and escape up to Canada.

    The King of Oxycontin: So that was something to respect.

    CALLER: Oh, yeah, anything -- and we used to tell each other, "After the revolution, you know, our criminal record will be our flag. People will be proud that we have a criminal record after the revolution," and we used to do anything we could think of to destroy the system, break the system, destroy the system. People like Timothy McVeigh. I mean people would go to that extreme, anything to destroy the system. And people used to challenge me and say, “Well, why don't you build something? If you're unhappy with this country, why don't you give in to it and build something.” Well, it's easier to tear it down. But my fear, Rush, is that people like me are in our schools, they run our schools, they run all of our bureaucracies, they are getting elected to office. And see, that was it, when the hippies washed up, cut their hair because they got tired of sitting on their butts and not earning any money, I mean, you know, we want the good life, too. Liberals want the good life, too.

    The King of Oxycontin: Oh, believe me, I know.

    --- diatribe continues/end snippet ---

    You think this is a joke?

    No way -- There's plenty more of that ass-pimple's hawg-swill propaganda at the site.

    I swear I thought I had witnessed some of the finest agit-prop ever conceived by the 60's far-leftists -- but this kind of hot steaming pile of right-wing crap really, truly takes the cake.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Note: Edited January 30, 2007

    Since first posting this, the original interview transcript has been removed from the original site. Following is a link to the interview, provided through the TinyURL preview feature that sends you to a friendly site where  a copy is buried ....



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