The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Caviar anyone?

    One non-argument against "Lausanne":is that we are giving up sanctions and not getting enough in return. Sanctions aren't good in themselves.The opposite is true. To the extent they have any effect at all they're a self inflicted wound..They're a source  at the very least of annoyance to many Iranians and a loss of some export opportunities for us.And even some import opportunities. Caviar anyone?

    Danny Cardwell's picture

    Gay Rights For Paleo-Christians

    "In truth, laws are always useful to those with possessions and harmful to those who have nothing; from which it follows that the social state is advantageous to men only when all possess something."
    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are available to any American who doesn't suffer from that incurable disease called "otherness". There's a Dimension of personal belief that spills into the public sector; this belief has the ability to circumvent the rights of others. The lack of equality the homosexual community face is a direct reflection of the way our society has always handled radical alterity. The right to engage in commerce or have a marriage that's recognized by the sovereign is a right many (in this free country) have fought and some died for, yet the progress made in some states is being negated by the regressive policies of other states: Indiana and Arkansas.
    Danny Cardwell's picture

    Middle East Fear: We All Should Be Afraid

    I read something about fear a few years ago that resonated with me: neurologically, fear and anger have very similar effects on the human body. I read this in prison; it gave me pause: most of the people I knew who were in prison for murder weren't stereotypical gangsters or psychopaths. I thought long and hard about the stories I'd heard over the years and most of them were rooted in fear not anger. I decided that I would do everything in my power to avoid appearing intimidating or threatening.

    Thank you John Kerry


    How can I be pleased  when I don't know what's in it? Easy.

    If there are things that need fixing we can start trying to fix them.As Tom Peters said a million years ago "Do it ,fix it."

    You can't fix a deal that hasn't been done.

    Richard Day's picture


    A stained glass depiction of Jesus as a Caucasian man with long brown hair, a beard and the characteristic Christian cross inscribed in the halo behind his head. The figure dressed in a white inner robe cover by a shorter, looser scarlet robe. Depicted as a Shepherd, he is holding a crux in his left hand and carrying a lamb in his right. Sheep are positioned to the left and right of the figure.






    Christians should pee into cups.

    Within the vast offensiveness of the Indiana, and now Arkansas, Enshrine Christians (and Bigots) legislation what is being downplayed by progenitors is the leniency shown religious folk---who wish to refuse service to certain patrons---in providing proof that their refusal of service is central to their faith.

    Folks like the Tea Party/Christians---who are the one's being pandered to with the recent odious legislation---are first in line to force welfare recipients to pee into cups or force the poor and elderly to provide voting I.D. that isn't necessary. But there is scant to no provision in these new laws requiring Christians to prove the sincerity and honesty of their own behavior.

    stillidealistic's picture

    Thought on the Indiana "Discrimination Law"

    It's been quite a long time since I've done any political blogging. It just got to be too much. Too much negativity, too much bickering. I needed a break. But I needed to write, so I started my own blog, mostly about the artsy stuff in my life.

    But there are times when the important stuff bleeds over, as was the case today, when THIS went up on my blog:

    The right of .... to go someplace

    Some  of those involved in the "Process" ,maybe many of them, agree that the two sides reached a point where there was an Israeli offer which Arafat considered accepting. But the"Right of return" stood in the way.

    In retrospect those optimists resembled a long ago New Yorker cartoon: two scientists stand in front of a black board covered with equations while one of them points at a spot in the middle and says "here's where a miracle occurs."

    trkingmomoe's picture

    Harry Reid has announced he not going to run for reelection and retire.

    He posted this video this morning. 



    Senator Reid is 75 years old and has been in politics since 1968.  He has had a long career. He entered the senate in 1986 and became Majority leader in 2006.  He was injured this winter in a fall.  

    Richard Day's picture


    Methuselah Stained glass.jpg


    I graduated from High School in 1968.

    A decade later, I somehow found out that I had graduated High School in 1968.

    My first tome from Herodotus,  that I ever found was entitled:


    Danny Cardwell's picture

    A Lesser Conversation About Suicide

    I read a statistic that deeply affected me: There are almost 40,000 suicides every year in America. I find myself questioning what role, if any, our society plays in helping someone make the choice to end life? 

    The suicide rate has tripled for the 15 to 24 age group. This gives me pause. These are the kids I mentor, tutor and lift weights with: I have friends who have children in this increasingly troubled demographic.

    barefooted's picture

    Sign 'Em Up

    Let's just agree for the sake of reality that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2016. Other names have been teased, of course, and a sparse few have expressed a vague interest in running against her - Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb and self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders come to mind. But they know better than anyone else that their chances are nonexistent. Sherrod Brown isn't interested, neither is the only person who would conceivably stand a chance: base favorite Elizabeth Warren.

    trkingmomoe's picture

    Emily's List's 30th Anniversary Part 3 - Hillary Clinton's Speech

    Hillary Clinton was the key note speaker at this event.  The audience was warm to her and responded to parts of her speech enthusiastically. It was not a campaign speech and neither did she mention the emails from the time that she was Secretary of State. The speech followed up on the theme of the conference and the tone was directed to the audience that was there.  She honored the women who have blazed a trail for other women to enter politics. The issues she talked about was family issues, economical issues and labor issues. The speech was gracious and thoughtful.  


    I'm struggling with various somewhat contradictory reactions to Hillary Clinton's spoken announcement last Tuesday and the nine-page document she released subsequently that explains her use of private email address when she was Secretary of State.  On balance though, my sense is that Clinton has provided a re

    Danny Cardwell's picture

    Nationalism: Kanye West and American Exceptionalism

    'I am God's vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.' Kanye West

    I'm better than you! I can lift more weight, run faster and jump higher than all (or most) of you. I'm young, healthy and fairly intelligent. I also sound like a jerk talking like this. None of the claims I've made (whether true or not) add to my intrinsic value; yet, if I substitute my physical abilities with fame, money or political power (in many circles) I would be seen as a “better” person. In many ways Kanye West is the most logical conclusion of our materialist culture; a culture shot through with hubris and bravado. The conservative mythos of American exceptionalism is epitomized in the actions of Kanye West.

    The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert

    I subscribe to the mailing list of  The Arms Control Association and received this today. t answers or or gives their opinion on several pertinent questions regarding the proposed agreement on nuclear development by Iran. I cannot find a direct link so I am posting it here in full. 

    A Critical Week in Lausanne

    Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States) are entering the final days before the end-of-March target date for reaching a framework agreement.

    Richard Day's picture



    I wish to play this rant provided by my friends at Mediamatters.

    Rush recalls Black Rage and its causes.

    I used to do this all the time, go after Rush, but it has been years? I just kind of gave up.

    I figured that if you give Rush airtime, no matter how silly his arguments seem, you are just giving aid to the enemy.

    It has been some time but listen to this racial rant as I attempt to disprove his suppositions or suspicions or superstitions.

    trkingmomoe's picture

    Emily's List 30th Anniversary-Part 2 Gabby Gifford's Rising Star Award

    Last year, Emily's List started the Rising Star Award to honor Gabby Gifford.  This year it was presented to Ayanna Pressley as the second winner of this award.  Retired Astronaut Mark Kelly, Gabby's husband with her presents the award. This was a chance to see how well she is doing since she left the House for me.  I love her smile.  What courage she has. 

    Senator Cotton soils the nest.

    It would be going too far to call Cotton a traitor, or even a saboteur because both those terms imply a subversive action which has disastrous real world impact---it doesn't take much imagination to conjure up real acts of monstrosity. But Cotton's open letter to Iran, signed by most of the Republican senators, does classify him as an impetuous, ambitious, running-off-at-both-ends backbencher who has just soiled the national nest.

    Venezuela a US Security Threat? Who knew?

    Extending the Axis of Evil to a 4th Dimension, President Obama declared Venezuela a security threat because it has nuclear weapons  threatens our borders  hacks our computers  beheads American captives  spies on European leaders  occupied a peninsula assassinated opposition leaders is mean to protesters. Observers are unsure whether this meant to slow government moves towards socialism, or to get Maduro to supply troops to fight ISIS, something the other members of the evil club are doing.

    Snark, Opinions, One-Liners, Links, and maybe Something Creative

    There is not any single subject contemplated at this blog. It is intended to be on-going as a place where I will mostly put links and short observations or questions. Any subject may come up including movies and music, as well as my own poetry and short fiction. It is mainly intended as a place for short comments which I see as having relevance to ongoing events but am too lazy to expand upon unless they gain some traction. I may refer here to ongoing conversations  at Dag when what they bring to mind is too far off topic or might be otherwise disruptive.

    trkingmomoe's picture

    Emily's List 30th Anniversary-Part 1 The Women Behind It

    In the recent years, C-Pac Convention has been covered by the media as if it was a the only important political support group in this country.  We get to watch in the news every goofy nutty idea that comes out of the guest speakers mouths.  There is even a run down published and covered about the proper dress code for the attendees. OK enough said about that.

    It leaves many of us wondering why liberals don't put on these kinds of news worthy events with great political speakers.  Well they do.  

    This year just a week after C-Pac's annual blow out,  Emily's List celebrated their 30th Anniversary with a gala event showcasing successful Democratic women in politics.


    That the cover-up is worse than the crime is a Washington truism I've never fully believed. In 2013, Republicans chastised former IRS director Lois Lerner for subjecting groups with the words "tea party" in their name to additional scrutiny when they sought tax-exempt status. Subsequently, conservatives alleged Lerner was covering up her "crime" because emails that could have shed light on the IRS practice had been deleted.

    Supreme Court Elephants and bitches.

    The elephants in the room were quite visible in this week's Supreme Court hearings on the latest Republican attempt to destroy the signature legislation of America's first black President.

    Justice Thomas---often incorrectly called a "sphinx" due to the absence of any oral questions from him since 2006---is, not by any stretch of the imagination, not an elephant. But for Thomas, apparently, asking questions is a bitch.
