The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    tmccarthy0's picture

    My Pumpkin Past, My Pumpkin Present: It Is the Season of Dessert, and a Break from All Things Political

    So we get a pumpkin  challenge this year, which is Ironic, I’ve been making my friends jealous on Facebook by publishing pictures of my sugar pumpkin baking endeavors. Every year I wait for sugar pumpkin season, because they are the most amazing tasting gourds.

    Who's been paying for Sharron Angle's campaign?

    OK, file this one under a creepy coincidence (the vid itself, being creepy, the coincidence just being coincidental). I've been obsessing on the Nevada race somewhat of late, and got off on a tangent regarding who's been financing the Angle campaign in a discussion with another poster. By the common method of assessing "who benefits here?" he came to the conclusion, Ensign. Which at the time, didn't seem a *bad* thought.

    Even Homer nods

    The FT has many virtues. A defect which partially offsets them however is giving Christopher Caldwell a platform for a Saturday column for which meritricious would be too flattering an adjective.
    Could Caldwell really be Dinesh D'Souza (thanks SleepinJeezus)in disguise ?
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Dinesh D'Souza: Intellectual Coward


    Dinesh D'Souza is afforded standing as one of the young gun intellectuals in the conservative movement. In this article from Forbes Magazine, he offers a psycho-analytical glimpse into Obama’s relationship with his father.

    Richard Day's picture


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    Barth's picture


    Fifty years ago this week, the people who present baseball to a grateful nation did an odd thing: The American League announced that the Washington Senators would move to Minneapolis-St. Paul, but that the league would add two new teams: one of which to be called the Washington Senators.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Technology...miraculous, convenient and boring.

    Yes boring....breath-takingly so. You really do not have to do anything to use it. You do not have to know anything to use it.  Your computer, iPod, car, television, radio/stereo, microwave, cell name it. You turn it on and it works and probably will for a very long time. After which you replace it. As the sticker says on the back, No user serviceable parts inside.

    Richard Day's picture



    File:Obama Health Care Speech to Joint Session of Congress.jpg
                                      CORPORATE AMERICA AT WORK



    We the People declare our resistance to the fascist corporatocracy of the United States.

     Benito Mussolin described Fascism as the moment when you can no longer wedge a cigarette paper between corporate and state power.

    Ramona's picture

    Amid the Sturm und Drang, a Moment Sublime

    This was a week of dizzying visuals--Christine O'Donnell flubbing a radio interview and then threatening to sue the station if they air it. A reporter being strong-armed and handcuffed for questioning a candidate.

    Reid sure seems to be ahead in Nevada.

    I'm going to open with a big 'ole caveat that our resident prognosticating expert thinks I'm all wet here. But to me, it sure looks like Reid is increasing his lead in Nevada daily. The biggest point of disagreement is the GOP crossover vote - he finds the number from the latest CNN/Time poll to be overly optimistic ... while I find it to be understated.

    Jamie Friedland's picture

    FL-Sen: Steele Queues Race Card for RNC Re-Elect Bid

    On today’s menu for political scandal du jour is a report that Bill Clinton tried to encourage Kendrick Meek, the Democratic senate candidate in Florida, to drop out of the race in favor of independent candidate Charlie Crist.  At the moment, Kendrick is trailing in very distant 3rd place, splitting

    I wonder if God has an iPod....or does he prefer Pandora?

    The world I know leaves me questioning, questioning.  What if God was one of usHow far is heaven?  Tell me all your thoughts on God 'cause I'd really like to meet her.  Right here, right now.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Just Desserts

    I'm very sorry that I'm about to pile on Obama again.  But I'll keep it short.  And really, it's less about Obama than about the mood of the country at this point.  Via Atrios I give you a transcript of Obama talking to bloggers about the economy.  I should preface this by saying that it's an awesome thing that we have a President who talks to people of all walks in such a reasoned and open way.  But search for the word "deserve" and read the paragraphs around those words and then reread cmaukonen's post about the

    MrSmith1's picture

    Anachronism: The well-oiled machine

    Cmaukonen's terrific blog "What happened to us?" aka "When did we turn into selfish jerks?", and the great comments that followed it, reminded me of something I started to write almost a year ago.
    I had been meaning to post it on TPM, but never did, because, well, I suppose I'm insecure, ok? At least when it comes to this kind of writing.
    Richard Day's picture


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                              OUR NEW FRESHMEN SENATORS

    When you have no real ‘life’ you can get excited about new presentations on the tellie.

    I love Sherlock Holmes. I mean I am not an afficianado in the neurotic sense.

    GotToBeMe's picture

    Free Speech Cafe Serves Tea Only

    Free Speech Cafe serves Tea Only

    Crossposted at

    Artwork 2010©

    For more Political Cartoons, sketches or just thoughts visit Kaveh Adel's Art & Humanity Blog

    Where are ...............?

    In today's Guardian a letter appeared about  the death sentence passed upon Tariq Aziz :Excerpts:

    We do not question the guilt of Mr Aziz in respect of the crimes for which he has been convicted. ......................

    cmaukonen's picture

    What happened to us ?

    When I was around 2 years old, according to my mother, my parents had just purchased a small house in Altoona Pa.  Shortly there after a tropical system came up the coast and was threatening Long Island NY where my grandparents had a large house boat.


    So I've got to move again, next year.  Hopefully, next spring.  I can't really afford to stay here in this big sprawling one-bedroom apartment in Pelham when my job is over on the Hudson side of the county, and my budget is more on the studio side of living.

    chucktrotter's picture

    The Corporate Cure For Middle Class Malaise

    I spent most of my life in heavy industry and aerospace endeavours.  I saw , first hand, the effects of the off-shoring of the heavy industries that once stood side-by-side and flourished in what we now call the "Rust Belt."  Thanks, Mr. Clinton, for NAFTA. 

