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    The TPM "Apologists for the Scumbags" ... the MSM and Valerie Plame


    Small snippets of press and pundit quotes related to the previous status of Valerie Wilson Plame:

    Washington Post editorial: “The trial has provided…no evidence that she was, in fact, covert.” [Washington Post, 3/7/07]
    Mort Kondracke: “I frankly don’t think since Valerie Plame was not a covert officer that there was a crime here.” [Fox, 3/9/07]
    Sean Hannity: “She did not meet the criteria, in any way, shape, matter or form as a covert agent.” [Fox, 3/6/07]
    Robert Novak: “No evidence that she was a covert agent was ever presented to the jury.” [Fox, 3/6/07]
    Brit Hume: “Whether the woman was covert, Valerie Plame was covert within the meaning of the law, remains at this point, still unclear. Unlikely she was.” [Fox, 3/6/07]
    Victoria Toensing: “Plame was not covert. She worked at CIA headquarters and had not been stationed abroad within five years of the date of Novak’s column.” [Washington Post, 2/18/07]
    Jonah Goldberg: “Wilson’s wife is a desk jockey and much of the Washington cocktail circuit knew that already.” [9/30/03]

    Well, let's see what Valerie Wilson Plame personally had to say today about all this knowledge that the press and pundits were parroting, while carrying the water for the White House propaganda machine.

    But first: In relationship to this apologist for the scumbags, and this apologist for the scumbags that haunt these TPM Cafe pages, just keep cutting and pasting the following in your replies so as not to waste your time playing tit-for-tat with these TPM Cafe bullshit artists.

    “In the run-up to the war with Iraq, I worked in the Counterproliferation Division of the CIA, still as a covert officer whose affiliation with the CIA was classified...” Valerie Plame Wilson
    “While I helped to manage and run secret worldwide operations against this WMD target from CIA headquarters in Washington, I also traveled to foreign countries on secret missions to find vital intelligence.” Valerie Plame Wilson
    “It was not common knowledge on the Georgetown cocktail circuit that everyone knew where I worked.” Valerie Plame Wilson

    Before the House Oversight Committee March 16, 2007

    Have a great weekend ... you can all have fun playing tit-for-tat with the apologists for the scumbags till your eyes glaze over.


    Updates of remarks from the apologists for the scumbags will be added in the comments section here.


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