The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    CVille Dem's picture

    Anybody Need a Lift Today?

    I caught this over at Huffington Post.  I love the Sunday Liveblogging;  so I think you'll agree that Huffo is still good for something.With special vibes to Bunnykitty!...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Sacred and The Profane: Fulton J. Sheen

    Fulton J. Sheen was the Archbishop for Rochester, New York, once upon a time. A pretty awesome and powerful position in those days. As a child of six or eight, he was THE representative of God on earth. I mean...
    Barth's picture

    In this week, particularly, may God Bless the United States of America

    In its vain, and vaguely sickening attempt to find some way to bring President Obama down to their level or to find something as base about him as the embarrassment who was identified as our president for the prior eight...
    Richard Day's picture

    THE BATCHELOR PARTY at The Daily Beast

    I enjoy it when I agree whole heartedly with a beast such as rush. I get my biggest response when I play with a known fascists own language.  Most of the time I not only quote word for word, I...
    deminizer's picture

    The Political Scandal The Conservatives Didn't want you to Know About

    Former Thomas More College Board Member Joe Monaghan Speaks About Mismanagement and Investigation of Abuse of Columnist Robert Novak 's Minority Scholarship Program by University President Jeffrey O. Nelson.

    Richard Day's picture

    LEAVE IT TO BEAVER: Lessons Learned

    Ahhh. Leave it to Beaver. Make fun of that show if you will, but I learned valuable lessons watching that show as a tot. I recently caught a classic lesson the other day.Beaver and Larry Mondello (The most 'ethnic' the...
    oleeb's picture

    "Because What he's Frittering Away is the Rights we all Have as Citizens"

    digg_url = ''; You may have noticed in yesterday's news that Eric Holder, on behalf of the President has ordered the Department of Justice (once again) to continue defending indefensible and quite criminal and unconstitutional activity on the part of...
    Richard Day's picture

    RUSH LIMBAUGH: A New Voice of Hope in Trying Times

    I have read some blogs recently that appear to put a damper on hope, hope for a new America with our New President. With our fairly new Speaker of the House. With a real majority in the Senate. I am...
    amike's picture

    Kindness is such a wussy word.

    How to Perform Free Random Acts of KindnessLast fall, passing through South Station in Boston, I was approached by station staff and given a little business card.  "Commit to Kindness," it read, and on the reverse was a picture of...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Manchurian Candidate

    The Manchurian Candidate is the title used in two films. The one released starring Sinatra and Lawrence Harvey in the early 1960's and kind of hidden following the Kennedy Assassination. And the most recent starring Streep and I never remember...
    Richard Day's picture

    Arthur of the Roundish Table: The Quest of Tom Delay

    Sir Quixotic and Beau Manes had been traveling east from Cornwall for five days. They had delivered the treasure, taxes or ransom or whatever to the midget king. Well they had to go north a little too if you look...
    oleeb's picture

    Why Haven't we Seen More of Prof. Wm. Black on TPM? Why not Help Focus Attention on What he has to Say?

    Why haven't we seen more of or heard more from Prof. Wm. Black of the University of MO, Kansas City on TPM?  There may have been some mention of him, but there hasn't been a whole lot or else I...
    Barth's picture

    This is not going to be easy

    When President Harding died in San Fransisco while on his Voyage of Understanding in 1922 (White House spin being what is was even then, even if it was not called that yet) the national outpouring of grief caused people to...
    Richard Day's picture

    Anthropomorphism: A Theorum

    We begin with animism. In order to even get to this concept of anthropomorphism. Besides, it is easier to spell.  Animism is: The belief that plants and inanimate objects have souls. Anima meant soul in Latin. I do not think...
    amike's picture

    Temples of Mammon

    Towards the beginning of the week I wrote a little number under the title The More Things Change the More They Remain the Same.  In it, I promised something more extensive on the theme of the piece, which was that...
    jollyroger's picture

    Can you smell what Nancy P. is cookin'? It's Roast Rump of Reconciled Repugnant. Welcome to dinner, Senator; now choke on it.

    Harry Reid has grown a pair, or maybe he borrowed my own representative’s. (Suddenly I’m feeling warm and fuzzy about Nancy Pelosi, after voting for Cindy Sheehan last year…). We are advised, in the final graf of an otherwise unimportant...
    Richard Day's picture

    An Ode to Days Passed: The End of Life as I Have Known It

    All is lost.I have learned to survive on very little. I figure things out. I cannot figure how to become a contributing member of society, but I know how to make coffee last, how to go grocery shopping with less...
    oleeb's picture

    Another Smart Guy in DC figures out Healthcare is Expensive

    In an article linked to on the TPM front page, yet another oh so smart guy, Jonathan Cohn, writing in The New Republic amazingly reveals his insightful discovery in a piece titled "The Single Biggest Issue that Could Undermine Reform".  Along with everyone...

    Harry Reid Smackdown - who got slapped?

    I think the emerging belief that Harry Reid delivered a "smackdown" to liberal pressure groups is totally off base.  Yeah, I think a smackdown was delivered. But some people have totally misidentified the smackee.Sure, a statement like "this isn't helping"...
    Richard Day's picture


    This really began in the twenties. I had graduated from Anapolis and entered the Marines as a First Lieutenant in '19. I served thirteen months in Bagdad, before Iraq became the 51st State, was promptly sent to South Carolina where...
    Richard Day's picture


    Amidst the false claims of treasonThat go beyond all real reasonComes an omen too horrible to think onToo terrible for anyone  to imagineOut of the crazy cyber world, Comes the most important testThe greatest single threat we have had to...
    amike's picture

    The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

    The battle between citizens and banker/financiers is as American as Apple Pie. If I wasn't afraid of being accused of being a Francophile (and we know what that did to John Kerry) I'd have titled this wee post,  "plus ça...
    oleeb's picture

    Pointing Fingers and Bringing GM and Chrysler Back to Life

    With the government moving in and essentially acting as a new majority stockholder would act after a takeover, by demanding all kinds of changes in the auto companies in return for their investment, including the immediate removal of a...
    we are stardust's picture

    Mr. President, you have two daughters.

    I cannot imagine they will want to realize one day that you, their father, their President, got in the way of investigating the previous administration for War Crimes.  Yes, during your campaign you assured voters that you would "look ahead,...
    Richard Day's picture

    Ubermensch as a Hobby

    There are some sports where you must begin with the proper announcer. Madden is one of those. Watching a football game is just not the same without Madden 'doing color'. The guy on Mad apes him the best. But...
