Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                   THE B & E SPECIALISTEducation is really not a be-all end-all solution for every problem. It doesn't get much stranger than this: A California doctor trying to break into her "on again, off again" boyfriend's home...
    Donal's picture

    A Nut in Every Car

    One of Bill Cosby's early standup routines was called A Nut in Every Car. Cosby painted an amusing picture of subway passengers being uproariously entertained as they were assaulted by zealots, drunks and young toughs. My mother told of riding the subway with an extravert friend. Some fellow tried to cop a feel, so her friend grabbed his arm, held it up and shouted, "Anyone here lose a hand?" We lived in the suburbs, and along with the movies, these formed my impressions of riding the subway.

    tmccarthy0's picture


    Glenn Greenwald and Joan Walsh are so right, I don't know why I didn't see it before! Democrats and progressive should just stay home this election, cause you know Repubicans are so much better at governing.  I don't know why I didn't see it before.

    stillidealistic's picture

    The Times They Are A Changin'

    Yeah, yeah...another self-serving, personal post. If that offends you, just stop reading now. I tried to talk myself out of doing it, but I was unsuccessful. You know how stubborn I can be.I remember my first blog like it was...

    The Fox News/Republican Connection Raises Even More Questions - Are ALL Of Their "Interviews" Of Republicans (w/o equal time) In-Kind Contributions

    Thanks for the coverage of the complaint by the DGA against Fox News. Ever since the $1,000,000 corporate contribution from News Corp. to the Republican Governors Association became public, I have been pondering the effects of that type of corporate/political...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                        THE TAXES ARE REVOLTINGAlan 'Million Teet' Simpson, patriotic veteran, Republican, member of George W. Bush's triumphant Iraq Study Group,  and lately the vice chair of the Obama administration's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform clarified the...
    oleeb's picture

    Serving Two Masters Is No Longer Tenable

      In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the...
    Donal's picture

    Conserve or I'll Kill You

    You've probably heard that Hawaiian James J Lee apparently hated Discovery Channel's programming so much that he took hostages at their offices in Silver Spring MD.

    Joe Wood's picture

    Notice for Joe Wood Readers/Critics

    I just wanted those who read my blog to know that I have just published a short book of verse entitled "The Refrigerator List of Mr. Jones" (2010) and it is available at the following site: And know--it is...
    we are stardust's picture

    'Hey World, Whatcha Say; Should I Stick Around (the Café) for Another Day?'

    If you don't care for personal blogs, Universal Theme blogs, strictly non-political blogs, be warned: this one ain't for you. If you've never faced the Dark Night of the Soul, either for yourself or for humanity, or your brothers and...
    Barth's picture

    September 1

    A special midweek post:You were not born in 1939, no doubt, and neither was I, but yet this date has great resonance even today. It is the day when, in 1939, Germany invaded Poland and the day on which the...
    Donal's picture

    Learning about Love in Japanese

    I don't know what to make of Japan - a former regional empire, rebuilt as an economic dynamo or an aging country that is rapidly being overtaken by their former whipping boy, China. They rapidly embrace and adapt to Western culture but also seek to maintain their racial purity. They raped Nanking, kept comfort women in Korea, and bombed Pearl Harbor, but after being defeated in WWII and losing two cities to the atomic bomb, purport to have rejected armed conflict.

    stillidealistic's picture

    Economic Globalization - Winners and Losers

    Excellent, excellent, must read article about economic globalization and who the winners and losers are. In case there was any question, the middle class in America DOES NOT fall into the winners category.The article, published in a blog called "The...
    Richard Day's picture

    THE 99ers

    File links       1837 DEPICTION OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND ITS EFFECTSSwift wrote Alexander Pope that although he loved animals he hated mankind in general. Swift argued that he did not see humanity as animal rationale. Rather he felt that man was merely...
    Joe Wood's picture

    My Last Thought On The Battlefield - by Joe Wood (2010)

    Who is the first to cry Over a flood of spoiled meat When we've buttoned up their coats and flak-jackets Who is willing to die in the street When you're passing up the barracks In a comfortable seat Seeing the roadside isn't...
    Donal's picture

    Biting the Hand

    Biting The Hand That Feeds You

    Read, weep

    Why now, Maxine?  Why did you not have this conversation with elderly relatives pre-Obamacare? ...[T]he spectre of "socialized medicine" prevents us moving to single payer, where the incentives for prudent life cycle management of risk across all age and income...
    chucktrotter's picture

    May I Join You?

    I'm more of a reader than a blogger, but followed the Duck from TPM.  TPM's "Cafe" taught me a lot and, every now-and-then, I felt I had something of value to add.  Perhaps, you will tolerate me here.

    Fmr-Rep. Jim Kolbe (Republican-AZ) Resurfaces, Chairs Democrat's Campaign For State Treasurer

    Without knowing about the Friday announcement, one of my kids and I were talking about former Congressman Jim Kolbe.  How he epitomized the well-intentioned, good people that ARE actually involved in high-level politics.  How he was one of the Republicans...

    Arizona Governor Claims U.S. Report On Human Rights Is "UNCONSTITUTIONAL"; Attempting To Mount A Mole Hill

    Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is enjoying the national attention - and the boost in her electoral chances - she has received since signing controversial anti-immigration measure S.B. 1070 into law.  On Friday, she took another step down that (far) right...
    Joe Wood's picture

    A Whimper During the Whirlwind

    When I was about 18 and in college, I assumed that things would just work a certain way, and that a road would just unveil itself and invite me to follow it.  To beg me.  "Please, Mr. Wood, we need...
    Richard Day's picture


    File links                                           THE PHILOSOPHERS I was attempting to escape my life by practicing the art of a hermit. I had shut off almost all...
    Ramona's picture

    What hath Glenn Beck Wrought? Naught but Rot

    Fear not, oh, please. Crowds are what we have with Glenn Beck but resonance is what we cherish with the Rev. Martin Luther King. When we quote entire phrases from Dr. King, even now, after nearly a half-century, we're uplifted by their goodness and reminded of his courage and his deeds.
    we are stardust's picture

    O, the Bounty of the Hard-won Garden!

    You all know how it is that when we work hard for something, or save hard for something, we appreciate it ever so much more?  That's how it is for me and my garden...   My garden's a wee thing...
