Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                            THE AQUA BUDDHA MAN"They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman recalls. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the...

    This land is my land. Period.

    Confusion of Tongues by Gustav DoréIN THOSE YEARSby Adrienne Rich In those years, people will say, we lost track of the meaning of we, of you we found ourselves reduced to I and the whole thing became silly, ironic,...
    wws's picture

    Southern Speak

    I am southern, so to speak. Yet I do not speak in what is commonly -- if erroneously -- accepted as a one-size-fits-all "southern accent." What I do speak is the American equivalent of BBC English .... which is...
    Ramona's picture

    Shell Shock, Battle Fatigue, PTSD - A Human Heart is Crying Out

    I'm thinking now of three men I've known whose lives were changed dramatically by war. Their injuries weren't as much to blood and bones and sinew as they were to the heart and mind. They were each in their own way shell-shocked.
    Richard Day's picture


                                          GLENN BECKI CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE BRAIN IS GONE.   I like Joan Walsh. OK, I have a crush on Joan Walsh. She shows up from Salon on MSNBC and does what I could never do....

    Waiting for <strike>Perot</strike> Palin

    Surely porcupines mate, but exactly how they do it is a prickly matter.Can the GOP, struggling for a message beyond "Don't Blame Us, We Gave Obama Our Mess," absorb energy from the Tea Party without losing the support of moderate...
    amike's picture

    A Wordle-ing I do Go, or Doesn't this Make you Die for Shakespeare?

    wordles are more than games The summer winds on, we've a new Supreme Court Justice,  and in a week or so I'm going to imitate Chaucer, though he did his bit in the spring:.  Off I go on pilgrimage...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Tom Periello -- A Hope For Virginia

    In 2008 Tom Periello (a Democrat) challenged Virgil Goode (a very conservative Republican who had a good record of responding to constituent requests), and Tom won in a state --Virginia -- that we could all agree has become purple, rather...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage       FLORENCE REECE SUPPORTERI awoke, turned on my PC--it goes into this deep sleep as I do--and flipped on the TV. I then went about my business and made some coffee. I then had to rush to the...
    Barth's picture

    Summer Vacation Reading

    Legend has it that Thou must read Trashy Novels Whilst on a Beach, or otherwise vacationing, but some of us did the next best thing: we read about the decline and fall. Not Gibbon: too much heft in that even...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                           RUSH'S ARMYI thought I would continue with my class warfare discussion from yesterday. My goodness, war broke out right here. I guess there are more at Café that enjoy the concept of the benevolent dictator. Sure they...
    we are stardust's picture

    Memo From Kabul Conference: 2014 Date for 'Security Takeover'

    Don't they look Happy ? I forget what we may have been invited to focus on around July 20, 2010.  But it apparently wasn't the International Donor Conference on Afghanistan in Kabul that week.  Hillary Clinton and Ban Ki-Moon...

    Who Caught You When You Fell: An Ode to the Right

    Who Caught You When You FellThank God you can't recall your mother forcing you bloodiedfrom her womb, slipping through the doctor's gloved fingersand landing headfirst on the delivery room's tile. Otherwiseyou'd know that women don't drop babies, doctors do.You don't...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                             A SALUTEBill Gates and Warren Buffett have convinced 38 other billionaires to give away half their wealth to charity. Gates and Buffett started "The Giving Pledge" earlier this year; it's a campaign to get the richest...
    Joe Wood's picture

    The Problem Is On The Inside

    I remember the night in early 2008, waiting in a line that stretched for 5 blocks.  People all excited.  Freezing temperatures.  20,000 of us, waiting to see our man. His speech was electrifying; I was seeing Lincoln, RFK, Malcolm X. ...
    we are stardust's picture

    Prop 8 in California Overturned!

    9th Circuit District Court Judge Vaughn Walker offered a 136-page decision in the case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, firmly rejecting the Prop 8 law passed in November 2008. UPDATE: Here's Judge Walker's conclusion: Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                A STONER WITH GOLIATHWell, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home Then they'll stone ya when...
    amike's picture

    The banks build a better mousetrap...I'm going to be a smarter mouse.

    I'm going to quote this verbatim, maybe just adding some bold and italics for emphasis.  This came from my bank today:Sovereign Santander Bank.SKIP YOUR NEXT LOAN PAYMENT AND FREE UP SOME CASH:  Dear____________Re:  loan # ending  in _____As a valued...
    we are stardust's picture

    President Signs Law Minimizing Cocaine Sentencing Disparity

    Under a law passed in 1986, 5 grams of crack would trigger a five-year prison sentence, but the same sentence would only be triggered by 500 grams of powder cocaine.  The disparity, of course, meant that more minorities went to...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                          Statue of Freedom (1857-62)They'll never love you, the way that I loved you 'Cause if they did, no no, they wouldn't let you die The had me  thrillin' baby once upon a time (that time, that time)...
    Ramona's picture

    Follow the Light. Hear the Voices. It's not all Fox and Hounds. It's not even C-Span.

    For the past couple of years I've been watching with trepidation and, yes, sadness, as C-Span, that formerly great political  leveler, has been moving farther and farther to the right.  There was a time when they were scrupulous about their...
    amike's picture

    Time to make TPM more Emunctory* (eentsy-weentsy update)

    Acerebral a.  Without a brain.  A word for which there would  at first sight appear to be no use, since no entity to which there would be anyh point in applyng the term could in fact  possess this attribute. ...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage              THE RAPE OF THE SABINE WOMENWhere the law is spoken or relayed; I mean that is one possible Latin translation of Jurisdiction. Flower asked me to write about a jurisdictional issue that affects Native Americans. One of...
    amike's picture

    WikiLeaks: The historians start to kick in.

    This is going to be a quickie.  I know, I've promised that before, but this time, maybe I'll keep my word.  As is often the case, I'm a penny short and a day late to the debate about WikiLeak's document...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                 PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY   I found this little story about women on a link today: In the 19th century Britain women were expected to marry and have children. however, there was in fact a shortage of available men....
