we are stardust's picture

    Some Bits of News and Revelations You'll Want to Know About

    I'm pressed for time just now, so I put these items into a potpourri of descriptions and links.  Something for everyone here, I think; but only two pieces of Good News.    EPA whistle-blower Hugh Kaufman is a senior policy...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                  YOUNG WINSTONLimbaugh went on to discuss Obama's upcoming appearance on The View and said "every day Obama is in that office he denigrates it."In the second hour, Limbaugh shifted his attacks to the left as a whole, claiming, "if I were...

    The Magnetic President

    With a smile as warm and broad as any of his predecessors, a charisma that brought seas of humanity shoulder-to-shoulder to light their candles of hope from his torch, and a way of engaging the issues that was so calm,...

    Reflecting on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 20 Years and a Day Later

    July 26 brings back fond memories of watching, with my parents in attendance, Bush I sign the ADA into law on the White House lawn.  I worked as a Congressional committee staffer behind the scenes in strong support of that law. ...
    we are stardust's picture

    Best Blackwater Story Ever; Obama DOJ Declines to Prosecute

      Back in 1997, when Sudan's Muslim North under Omar al Bashir waged civil war against the mostly Christian and animist South, killing over two million people and causing millions more to flee, President Bill Clinton enacted comprehensive sanctions...
    Richard Day's picture


           1st Lancashire Fusiliers, in communication trench near Beaumont Hamel,                                   Somme, 1916. Photo by Ernest Brooks. I have a buddy in his early forties working full time for the county as a social worker. The guy has real street...

    Complete Wikileaks Afghan War Diary and Data. (Updated)

    (Update: fixed the link to the online repository .... the link I used has been downloading one of the databases. This link should allow anyone to browse the reports online and has not demonstrated access problems that the main Wikileaks...
    Richard Day's picture


                             THE RNC SEEKING MORE CONTRIBUTIONSPart One: herehttp://tpmcafe.BraveFart sees that he has not been dreaming and thathe has uncovered a case of mistaken identities. The forces of good must have somehow gotten the wrong address and have attacked the people...
    wws's picture

    To Whom it May Concern re: Medical Insurance Coverage

      Ms. Templesman Claims Adjustment Supervisor Just Say No Health Insurance, Inc. 23588 Cartel Parkway Alexandria, VA 21351-0000   Dear Ms. Templesman:  I write in reference to Claim #1297-5576-342-22-015. My JSNHI group number, ID number and PPO policy code...
    we are stardust's picture

    Worse Than Hiroshima: Fallujah's Health Nightmare After Operation 'Vigilant Resolve'

    (This is just a heads-up post, no analysis, no brave call to arms, just a morbid report that is hard to pass on to you.)   What are we doing to the people of the world? A major study released...
    wws's picture

    To Whom it May Concern

    The printer hummed and clicked, smoothly sucking in blank paper and spitting out the carefully-crafted letters Susan had written during the past week. Letters she had considered writing, depending on the Addressee, for a long time. Letters she had...
    Richard Day's picture


    Written by some schmuck in his pj's. Directed by Mel Gibson Produced by the National Republican Heritage Enterprise Institute STARRING:   Mel the Gibson as Bravefart; the Jew hating, Black baiting, Mexicali desecrating misogynist, the new hope for the...
    Barth's picture

    Modern Times

    I missed the McCarthy era. Technically speaking, I was around at the tail end of his tenure as ruler of the airwaves and print, but, as a new born, my access to those organs of communication was quite limited, and...

    Fast Forward: September 6, 2010

    (from the first draft of President Obama's address to the nation, following September 6, 2010 Senate passage of $150 billion jobs bill earlier passed by the House, and asking the public to pressure their elected officials to support, as he...

    Nerds vs. Westboro

    Best counter protest EV-VAR! That is all....
    Richard Day's picture


                                                         VICE-PRESIDENT RICHARD CHENEY This robber is going to have quite the following on the internet: A man robbed a bank on Long Island Thursday morning while wearing a Darth Vader mask. He didn't have the full costume--he wore...

    Solar power generation takes a big step forward.

    File this one under cool stuff that it would be nice if the US had developed. This month in Italy, a new type of Concentrating Solar Power facility was brought online. To me, this is one of the more exciting...
    Ramona's picture

    Tea Party, Specter of Beck makes USDA and NAACP Cave. Can we get any Lower?

    What does it take for us to be fired up? This perversion of American politics has to come to a screeching halt. We're not all blithering idiots--at least not yet. So who's afraid of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and the All Powerful Tea Party? Not me and not you, but I'm not feeling any better about it. We don't count. When the government and the press kowtow to the likes of those dangerous buffoons, they become nothing more than powerless sidekicks. That's just nuts.
    Richard Day's picture


                                          The Barque of DanteWe sit in the car outside your house, whoah I can feel the heat coming 'round I go to put my arm around you And you give me a look like I'm way out of bounds...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Public Option? Alive? Could it be?

    From  ThinkProgress.org there is news that may give us all some hope:Just when you thought the last nail had been driven in the public option coffin months ago, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the public option has once again returned...
    we are stardust's picture

    Is the President Plagued by Fear?

    (Request: Try not to go knee-jerk at the question.)   Over the past month or two on the Café boards, both on the Left Side and, to a lesser degree, the Right side, this question has come into play. ...
    Joe Wood's picture

    What Sherrod Deserves

    The Obama administration--namely Secretary Tom Vilsack--made a huge blunder by not handling this sensitive issue with care and discretion.  Any White House official, and any administration official--who took the ball and simply rolled it without asking questions, digging, or fact-checking--is guilty...

    Race and the Right Wing Agenda

    The manufactured controversy of Shirley Sherrod's speech to a local NAACP group in Georgia, like the manufactured controversy of the Obama Justice Department's treatment of the New Black Panther Party, are the kind of tempests in a teapot that Fox's...
    Richard Day's picture


    AFRICAN COUPLE GIVES BIRTH TO WHITE BABY A blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby was born Sunday in Britain to a black couple with no known white ancestry. Doctors said the baby, named Nmachi Ihegboro, is not an albino, though the BBC...
