Rabbi Ascherman (Rabbis for Human Rights) - the true face of the noble Jewish faith.

    'In Israel, the Noble vs. The Ugly' by Nicholas D. Kristof.'...building bridges between Jews and Palestinians helps make Israel a safer place..."In the long run, we're going to live here together...or we're going to die here together...When we get...
    Richard Day's picture


       PINK LEMONADE KOOL-ADERepublican Senate candidate Sharron Angle has moderated a host of policy positions in her transition from a primary candidate to general election contender battling Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. One thing she has not backed away...
    Richard Day's picture

    ONLY IN AMERICA; A Sing Along

                                                   SIXPENCE & PRIDE Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened the birds began to sing, Oh wasn't that...

    President Obama failed to act as the leader of this great nation. Rather he became Netanyahu's poodle.

    President Obama failed to act as the leader of this great nation. Rather he became Netanyahu's poodle.Any nation charged with War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity; Piracy in International Waters; illegal detention and kidnapping of civilians; murder of political opponents...
    Richard Day's picture


    Okay, so who is Sharron Angle and what is her angle? Well here are some of the wonderful new ideas from one of the new stars of the Republican Party. Fluoride is a communist plot Abortion causes breast cancer. The...
    we are stardust's picture

    Increased Wildland Fires; Decreased Slurry Bombers : That's Just Plain Dangerous.

      The first-line defense against wildfires is retardant dropped from air tankers.  It often means the difference between stopping a fire early, or letting it spread, requiring additional ground crews and other kinds of air support.  Western states weather has...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                    BILL BENNETT IN AN EARLIER LIFEBut that was then. Today, American workers face the worst job market since the Great Depression, with five job seekers for every job opening, with the average spell of unemployment now at 35...
    Ramona's picture

    Independence Day II - I can hardly wait

    Not to be a downer on our very favorite day of the year, but I can't shake the feeling that "independence" is one of those words we're starting to look back on with nostalgia.   Does anyone even care that we're not independent anymore?
    Barth's picture

    Fourth of July Guest Blogger: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    The following has appeared here in some form or another a few times. It is excerpted from the acceptance speech at the 1936 Democratic National Convention of our greatest President, but it has particular resonance on this glorious day of...
    oleeb's picture

    Our Heritage: Revolution!

    You have probably read this document before, but not for a very long time.  Take a few minutes and read it today.  You will be glad you did. For at least the first 150 years of our nation's independence from...
    Richard Day's picture


    Lapels are a fashion addition to certain pieces of clothing worn by men and women alike. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacket_lapel There are three basic forms of lapels: notched, peaked and shawl. Notched lapels, the most common, are usually seen on business suits.[1]...
    Richard Day's picture


                                    MICHELLE BACHMANN                          (At a recent rally for Teabaggers)NIKI HALEY   No.  Nikki Haley voted AGAINST the stimulus package pushed down from Washington.  On May 12th of last year, she voted against S.577, the bill that ultimately forced Governor...

    Steele Reflects The Current Republican Party PERFECTLY!!!

    I applaud GOP Chair Michael Steele's self-contradictory comments about Afghanistan;  he is the perfect example of the current-day Republican Party and should remain as an out(in right field)spoken leader of an out(in right field foul territory)spoken party. I think the...

    A Perfect Storm for Democrats

    During his first 18 months in office, President Obama has often reiterated the essence of Rodney King's plaintive appeal for civil fellowship, "Can't we all just get along?" Time and again, Republicans have rebuffed Obama's pleas for bipartisanship with thundering...
    we are stardust's picture

    Reprint of Josh Silver's Hair-on-Fire Op-Ed on Net Neutrality

    Josh Silver, President, Free Press "On Thursday, MoveOn and 34 progressive leaders and bloggers sent a letter to President Obama strongly urging him to keep his campaign promise to support Net Neutrality - the rule that prevents corporations from...
    Richard Day's picture


         I learned early to drink beer, wine and whiskey. And I think I was about 5 when I first chewed tobacco.                                                         BABE RUTHX-Rays of Dizzy Dean's head showed nothing.                                                         PBS BASEBALL HISTORY   Dizzy Dean was one of...
    amike's picture


    the eighth question Awhile back, I posed some simple questions in a highly unscientific survey.  The questions related to issues of geographical mobility, a subject which has interested me for a very long time.  I asked quesions I've asked...
    Barth's picture

    How long will this war last?

    We interrupt our work imposed radio silence to bring you this special bulletin from Sunday's Meet the Press. While all its guests, as usual, read their scripts and say exactly what you would expect them to say given who they...
    we are stardust's picture

    Key to Success in Afghanistan: A Modern Silk Road Strategy [Gigglers will stay after class.]

      Some of us hoped that when the President fired Stanley McChrystal that there might be a pause to reflect on the Mission in Afghanistan; to consider the advisability of a nine-year war Americans are starting to turn away...
    Richard Day's picture


    Born in Baltimore, Maryland on July 2, 1908, Thurgood Marshall was the grandson of a slave. His father, William Marshall, instilled in him from youth an appreciation for the United States Constitution and the rule of law. After completing...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZThquH5t0ow Still, the world's oldest known leather shoe, revealed Wednesday, struck one of the world's best known shoe designers as shockingly au courant. "It is astonishing," Blahnik said via email, "how much this shoe resembles a modern...
    Ramona's picture

    Get this straight, Corporate Pimps: There ARE NO JOBS!

    How many times does this have to be repeated:  There are 15 million unemployed in this country, with 6.8 million chronically unemployed.Most of them spend their days looking for work.  When they hear about the possibility of jobs, they'll stand...
    Richard Day's picture


                    JUST DON'T CALL ME LATE FOR DINNERYou know, one of the benefits of school being out, in addition to your kids losing weight because they're starving to death out there because there's no school meal being provided, one...
    we are stardust's picture

    "This (financial reform) bill is the worst of both worlds." *Please watch this video!*

    That's a quote about the Dodd-Frank bill that will go to the floor of both houses next week.  It's from Josh Rosner of Graham, Fisher and Co., who appeared with Shahien Nasiripour (Huff-po Business) on Dylan Ratigan Friday. They take...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                       GOYA'S FRENCH PENALTYPrinces of note, old, new, don't fail: Beg the king's pardon for me, and seal, And a basket to raise me, I'll sit upon: So pigs behave, to each other, they say, When one pig squeals,...
