Richard Day's picture


    The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.                                                                                          --A....
    Richard Day's picture


                                                              THE WARSAW ROUND-UPLinda Greenhouse seems to be a little upset over recent legislation that has been signed, sealed and delivered by the Arizona Governor recently: And in case the phrase "lawful contact" makes it appear as if the police...
    we are stardust's picture

    Showdown in America Bank Protests Start Today (a cheap cut-and-paste blog)

      Is there one near you?  This is the week that may determine whether or not any meaningful financial reform is passed by Congress. Peter Drier, TPM guest blogger posted yesterday about the combined groups who will join together...
    Richard Day's picture


                                  ULYSSES S. GRANT WRITING HIS MEMOIRSThe very ink in which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.                                                                          Pudd'n Head WilsonSince leaving the Oval Office, President Bush has given virtually no interviews or public speeches about his presidency," Crown...
    Richard Day's picture


    e                                                       By Nikolaos Gysis (1892)               I have been thinking about values lately. When I was in grammar school, I recall a teacher who must have had a bug up his arse about some political matter. God only knows what...
    Joe Wood's picture


      This is going to be my last entry.  You guys at TPMcafe have really been great and wonderful kindred spirits, especially at my darkest of struggles.  Thank you for being there, all of you. I have realized that...
    we are stardust's picture

    One Last Attempt to Strengthen Dodd's Bill

      (Yes; image-pun intended...)   Is there any hope that it can be strengthened?  Who knows?  All this is so fluid, and may be voted on at the first of the week.  It looks unlikely that any truly meaningful financial reform...

    What's up with the pitchforks?

    After a brief sojourn, I find I have come back to a blossoming of pitchforks.  I know it is now spring in the northern hemisphere, but why the plethora of tynes on a barge pole?  Is this akin to some...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                             Gustave Doré The gates slam in your face Chill creeps down your spine No one will let you in Your guilty of the crimes The...
    we are stardust's picture

    Hopi Snake Dance....impressions

      Sometime in August of some year...we decided to go to Snake Dance in Hopi.  This year it would be held in Shongopovi, Second Mesa.     Howard Morgan, the then-famous Albuquerque weather man had been following the long summer...
    oleeb's picture

    Disaster In Gulf Threatens Massive Oil Spill: 300,000 Gallons/day

    Burning oil rig sinks, setting stage for big spill By KEVIN McGILL and HOLBROOK MOHR, Associated Press Writers Kevin Mcgill And Holbrook Mohr, Associated Press Writers NEW ORLEANS - A deepwater oil platform that burned for more than a...
    Richard Day's picture


             Recently overheard at the offices of the SEC: What in the hell are you doing Amesly? Uh, nothing...I mean not nothing...I mean I dropped some coffee on me private parts Govner and I was just polishing it off....
    Ramona's picture

    A Day to Celebrate the Earth. Tomorrow: Business as Usual?

    Enough had finally become enough, and under Lyndon Johnson and a congress that could see clearly now (even though the rest of us were still lost in a choking, eye-watering, salmon-colored, man-made smog), we saw a Clean Air Act, a Clean Water act, a National Wilderness Preservation System, a Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, a National Trails System Act, and, for what it was worth, a National Environmental Policy.
    Richard Day's picture


    12 5And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.  6And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and...
    we are stardust's picture

    Zuni Dreamtime.....a story

      We stopped at a trading post near Moenkopi, Arizona, at the west end of the Hopi Villages.  I can't remember why were there, nor can I remember how on earth we came to be approaching the villages from the...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Simple Words

    I was thinking that in keeping with the Cafe's more personal touch in recent days, perhaps someone should recognize that personal testaments and sharing thoughts and feelings is not an obstacle to political power--but a privileged path to it. The greatest political...

    At least 56,000 images captured from school-issued laptops.

    Gee, never been so glad you tend to sleep with your clothes on ... eh kid? Image of Blake Robinson in slumber captured by Pennsylvania's Lower Marion School District using his school-issued laptop. When a lawsuit was filed on...
    Richard Day's picture

    NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON, Except For Good Old Joe Klein

                                                             THE AR15                                      You that never done nothin'                                      But build to destroy                                      You play with my world                                       Like it's your little toy                                      You put a gun in my hand                                      And you hide from my eyes                                      And you turn and...
    Barth's picture

    Patriots Day Guest Blogger Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    Your blogging fool was born, as mentioned a thousand times before, in Boston, Massachusetts and my first exposure to the history of this country came from people with the same geographic roots. It is, perhaps, slightly different than the...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Why Am I So Angry?

    Well, I'll tell you.  I should have been a pair of old shoes that you wear and then throw away so drive my weathered soul into the mud at least I'll be used I guess some shoes are never shined...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                   THE OUTSIDE AGITATOR                     I am watching Righteous, a cop film starring Pacino and Deniro. If you get a chance check out Wiki on...
    we are stardust's picture

    Joe . . . a sketch, not a story

      Joe believed in UFOs.  In a weird way, it suited him.    The sad truth is that it was almost too easy to see him as a character, more of a two-dimensional being.  It might not have been altogether...
    Richard Day's picture


        A Man Reading The Presidential Proclamation by Henry Louis StephensYesterday was an important day in the history of America. Vanessa Dixon had to remind me of it as the date had faded from my senile cerebral machinery. It seems...
    Barth's picture


    Yes, the description of one's political opponents or their tactics as reminiscent of Hitler is tiresome and almost always extreme. Hitler's rise to power in a nation that had centuries of issues relating to who its people were and what...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Why is Race Important?

    The title is not rhetorical.  I have no damn idea, even as I write this, why we constantly focus on race, racism, white black, etc.  We act like we are somehow light years beyond where we once were.  But by...
