The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Just a Little Something to Share

Warning!  This entry contains nothing about health care, global warming, Michael Savage, Chris Mathews (or any other talking head, for that matter).  It is barely political.  It's about a musical discovery...all good music is political, MHO.  So read or not: ...
amike's picture

Friendship and Harboring

A number of recent posts occasion this muse-meditation-whatever.  The first was a spirited discussion on extending health care to undocumented workers as I call them, or illegal aliens as the post called them.  The post was by an author I...
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Memento Mori: Not Only Peter and Paul will Miss Mary.

I've had a couple of hard months losing heroes.  The eminent historian John Hope Franklin died in late march.  I'm teaching a course celebrating his life and work. Then it was Eunice Kennedy Shriver.  I wrote a note on her which...
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WHAT THE "H'' IS GOING ON??? 21/25ths spam at 9:12 e.d.t.

The headline says it all...except for this.  The masthead at the cafe now lists only Josh Marshall.  So is the chief minding the store by himself, or is nobody minding the store.  For all the fixes proposed, things seem to...
amike's picture

You Heard it here Second. Coonsey caught it first. The Majority of Doctors Support Public Health Option.

A RWJF survey summarized in the September 14, 2009 edition of the New England Journal of Medicineshows that 62.9 percent of physicians nationwide support proposals to expand health care coverage that include both public and private insurance options--where people under the...
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Addison Graves Wilson: You are NO Joe.

    Addison Graves Wilson should be shown the respect of calling him by his legal name. Forget that "Joe" stuff. His given name should be good enough for him and we owe him the respect of not diminishing him in...
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The Dignity of Labor: a Labor Day Memorial.

Perhaps the most appropriate way to celebrate Labor on its weekend is to work. My work is academic in nature, so here goes. I start by introducing someone who probably needs an introduction, especially to those who misuse him...
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TPM is bad for me...But...

I'm addicted.  Fortunately, my other great addiction, my work, resumes next week and that will help me break the hold of this one.  How do I know I'm addicted?  The same way one recognizes other addictions...the diminishing sense of elation...I'm addicted.  Fortunately, my other great addiction, my work, resumes next week and that will help me break the hold of this one.  How do I know I'm addicted?  The same way one recognizes other addictions...the diminishing sense of elation and reward during the experience, the increased craving for the reward and the resulting crabbiness and unease of

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Dear TPM : Is every penny of advertising revenue absolutely necessary?

I'm so very tired of seeing ads from the ultra right on TPM.  I don't want to see endless repeats of the ad featuring Nancy Pelosi looking like a Harridan, with the tag Should Nancy Pelosi Destroy the Secret Ballot? ...
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Thirty-One mainstream to left-leaning Religious Organizations Unite to Push FOR Health Care Reform

.Last week I posted an entry which drew attention to the mobilizing of mainstream and left-leaning religious organizations in support of Barack Obama's health care reform initiative.  Consider this an update of the information presented in that post, specifically information...


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