The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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The Common Man: Where's his Fanfare? II. Musicals, Cont. Fish is my Favorite Perfume.

Welcome back.  One of the commentators to the last in this series reminded us of the realist school of literature, which had its own special sympathy for the working class.  I may get there eventually: If I do, I'll probably...
amike's picture

The Common Man: Where's his Fanfare? I. Music and Musical Theatre

This essay, which may turn out to be a series (the optimistic I. in the title), was stimulated by a several recent posts here at the Café.   One of them questioned why the news media never seem to picture "real...
amike's picture

Quiz: Guess who wrote this?

I'm too old for quickies...but this is just too good to resist.  Some folks have enjoyed my ventures into literature and history.  I've got something more substantial I'm working on-a multi-part look at popular media and the "common man," but...
amike's picture

Spring Ahead-But "Looking Backward"

Does anyone read Edward Bellamy anymore?  I hope so, and not just as a quaint Victorian utopian novelist.  The right generally hates him, which means he must be right about a lot.  Else why try to paint him as a...
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Fool me once, shame on you. No, I'm Not Quoting Dubya

Among other things, one of the courses I teach is designed to introduce my kids to some seminal ideas about democracy, and especially the relationship between democracy and reason.  It's not a rigorous intellectual history course.  I'm not an especially...
amike's picture

Some Questions for the Economists in the House.

I tell my history students to ask questions.  I beg them and implore them to ask questions if something is confusing them.  Some do, some don't.  It just struck me I'm not practicing what I preach, and that I should...
amike's picture

What would you rather do than Follow Obama to the Speaker's Podium?

Anything!Well, nearly anything.  aMike, a.k.a anti-climax personified....
amike's picture

The Law of Justice and the Law of Mercy

I really have to stop reading TheraP's blog.  It gives me far too much to think about and whether or not my brain is up to the workout I don't know.  But I'm addicted, and perhaps the workout will keep...
amike's picture

Confessions of a "Coward"

I've been following the "controversy" over Attorney General Eric Holder's Black History Month speech haphazardly in the mainstream media for the past few days and yesterday I caught a piece on NPR where All Things Considered featured a "debate" between...
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Economics: A Lesson from the Puritans.

A while back, I made a remark in response to someone's post something to the effect that President Obama's Economic Council suffers from a plethora of economists, and that other branches of the Academy could make valuable contributions, geographers, philosophers,...


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