The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

CVille Dem's picture

The File You're Looking For Has Not Been Found

Thought I'd save you the trouble of clicking on the title....
CVille Dem's picture

Cindy McCain - Sympathetic Figure?

OK, It's hard to feel sorry for a multi-millionairess who dated a married man with children; and then married him herself.  But I was struck over these few days at how hard Cindy was working to be the loyal (read Stepford)...
CVille Dem's picture

McCain's VEEP --> Open Thread

OK, These are the queations:1.  Who do you really, in your deepest, darkest soul, want McCain to choose?2.  Who do you think he will choose?3.  Funny answers...
CVille Dem's picture

Using Fear for Votes: Drafting our Children for McCain's War Without End;

I don't fear the heightened alert colors; I don't worry about jihadists running amok in our country.  What I do fear is that my two 18 year-old sons, and thousands of others will be drafted to become fodder for McCain's desire...
CVille Dem's picture

Obama is Nailing It!

The guy has a brain!  Add your thoughts!...
CVille Dem's picture

One Last (Maybe) Complaint -- You Deserve It!

I am a veteran at TPM, although I can't say how long, because the old way of acknowledging that is gone.  Recently I have gotten into lots of conversations with people here, and as hard as I try, I can't...
CVille Dem's picture

John Edwards, You SOB!!!!!!

OK,  I'll admit to have a personal viewpoint on this (I wass diagnosed with breast  cancer after I found out that my husband had an affair, so I can hardly be objective).  BUT WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING?And what...
CVille Dem's picture


Why isn't Obama winning by at least 20 percentage points in the polls? My fervent HOPE is that it is because many of his supporters (the young and the newly registered voters) don't have landlines and so are not included...
CVille Dem's picture

A Civlized Question for TPM

Many things have smoothed out, but there are some biggies that haven't been addressed.  I just want to know if TPM considers them important, and therefore will be solved, or if the management is happy enough as things stand.1.  Do...
CVille Dem's picture

AS If TPM Isn't Irritating Enough!!!!

OK.  I know I keep complaining, but here goes again:Now, every time you click on anything, you have to wait for the "sunrise" that is the Obama ad.  This site is effing slow enough!  We shouldn't have to endure this...


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16 years 1 month