The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Larry Jankens's picture

What ChatRoulette Says About the Internet, And D*ck Jokes

When the internet was invented by Al Gore’s uncle I wonder if Unky Gore realized that while it would revolutionize the digital world it would also become a freak show.  And not just the traveling kind with a bearded fat lady, dog boy, and some guy with way too many weird tattoos, but the holy shit I can’t believe how depraved and psychotic people are freak show.  Need I remind you of two girls, one cup?  I’ve never actually seen the two girls or the one cup in question, but I had it described to me in vivid fashion and I think that’s enough.

Larry Jankens's picture

States Tell The Feds To Go F Themselves - Me like!


There is a new trend among state legislatures to pass laws that are in direct or indirect contradiction to federal statutes.

1.  South Dakota/Wyoming – Passed a bill saying that federal gun statutes are invalid if the gun is made and used in SD or Wyoming respectively.

2.  Oklahoma/Utah – Passed a resolution allowing them to opt out of any new federal healthcare mandates.

3.  Alabama/Tennessee/Washington – Considering measures that would give local police authorities supremacy over federal agents in certain situations.

Larry Jankens's picture

Sarah Palin's Favorite Founding Father - It's Not Who You Think: VIDEO

As you know by now, Sarah Palin is now a pundit on Fox News.  Oh - cruel irony - she has now become the media elite that she blames for everything.  Is it just me or does she sound like she is constantly making sh*t up off the top of her head and even though it sounds asinine she convinces herself that it sounds super smart and then goes with it?  Maybe it's not the media's fault that some people think she is an idiot, maybe it's because she answers questions like an seventh grader doing a book report on a book they didn't read.

Larry Jankens's picture

VIDEO: George Bush Gets Verbally Assaulted - and not in a good way

Picture yourself going to your favorite restaurant only to see former President George H.W. Bush also grabbing a bite to eat.  You can: A) Tell him what a great job he did; B) Ignore him; or C) Get your camera from your car and call him a zionist murderer.  I was going to give the option of throwing your shoe at him, but as we know he has reflexes like a cat and would dodge it.


Larry Jankens's picture

Fixing the Middle East: Simple Economics

There is no other force that can strike strong accord to the most disharmonious parties than money. For two basic reasons: 1) Money makes people content; and 2) Contentment breeds tolerance. Accordingly, the best foreign policy the United States can undertake is one that recognizes the awesome power of dolla-dolla billz y’all.
Larry Jankens's picture

Japanese Man Surprises No One by Marrying a Video Game Character

On Sunday Sal9000 married the love of his life, Nene Anegasaki, who just happens to be character in a Nintendo DS video game, Love Plus. Aside from the obvious irony that the video game character has a more normal sounding name than the actual person, this is a notable union because it is a step in the direction of respectability compared to the Japanese raping video game that we have discussed here at Dagblog.
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MNFW: Judgement Edition

It's been a while since I posted on Dagblog.  I'm not going to apologize for my absence or explain why, I just wanted to point it out.  Anyway, welcome to another exciting edition of My New Favorite Websites (MNFW): the judgement edition. Join me in relishing these two websites that help you look down upon other people - it's fun!

The People of Walmart


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryA letter to the people of Iran William K. Wolfrum114 years 9 months ago
Blog entryStates Tell The Feds To Go F Themselves - Me like! Larry Jankens414 years 9 months ago
Blog entryI Hate Wow Wow Wubbzy: Why Kid's TV Sucks Larry Jankens1314 years 9 months ago
Blog entryA Letter to Dennis Hastert: You Are Kind of a D*ck, And Here's Why **Breaking Scandal** ***Secret Sex Videos*** Larry Jankens814 years 9 months ago
Blog entryScrew the Planet! Save ME DF1214 years 10 months ago
Blog entryObamanomics Doctor Cleveland414 years 10 months ago
Blog entryThe finer points of the N-word Larry Jankens3114 years 10 months ago
Blog entryApple's iPad: Jesus Machine or PopeMobile? Larry Jankens014 years 10 months ago
Blog entryConservatives in Uproar over Activist Supreme Court Orlando214 years 10 months ago
Video blogVIDEO: George Bush Gets Verbally Assaulted - and not in a good way Larry Jankens214 years 11 months ago
Blog entryFixing the Middle East: Simple Economics Larry Jankens614 years 11 months ago
Blog entryPersecution Politics: Civil War Rages in the G.O.P., but Watch Out What You Wish For Michael Wolraich414 years 11 months ago
Blog entryJapanese Man Surprises No One by Marrying a Video Game Character Larry Jankens014 years 11 months ago
Blog entryTiger Woods SEO Tip William K. Wolfrum214 years 11 months ago
Blog entryHarvard Study Concludes: Church Sucks! Larry Jankens914 years 11 months ago
Blog entryLarry vs. Jesus Christ License Plates Larry Jankens1815 years 1 month ago
Blog entryI’m heterosexual - and, wow, do I have a lot of rights William K. Wolfrum715 years 1 month ago
Blog entryCongratulations, Deadman! Michael Wolraich1115 years 1 month ago
Blog entryLevi Johnston Has Deep Tweets Larry Jankens415 years 1 month ago
Video blogAFL-CIO Misses Mark on Racist Healthcare Commercial Larry Jankens615 years 1 month ago
Blog entryPersecution Politics: Beck Predicts Dollar Collapse, American Land Sold to China and Russia, Polar Bears Executed by 'Ivan' Michael Wolraich7715 years 1 month ago
Blog entrySarah Palin endorses Leviticus in N.Y. House race William K. Wolfrum2315 years 1 month ago
Blog entryFacebook and Your Mom Larry Jankens215 years 1 month ago
Blog entryJake Tapper demands everyone apologizes for saying “Druidism is not a real religion” William K. Wolfrum2815 years 1 month ago
Blog entrySean Hannity vs. The NYC Subway: A Dumb Story Larry Jankens215 years 1 month ago
