The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

I'm John McCain and I Would Like My Strained Peaches Now

Has anyone else noticed that absent look on McCain's face at the end of his ads when he says he approves the message?It's like the look of a dementia patient awaiting dessert....

Drop the Grudges, People

Lots of posts and comments today about Obama being ungracious to Hillary for picking Biden, Hillary and Bill not relinquishing stardom, Obama not appreciating Hillary's help, etc., etc., etc.In the immortal words of Rodney King: "Jesus! No more! Stop beating...

Why Was I the Last to Know?

Dear Barack,You said I would be the First to Know about your veep pick, but I was not. What gives? ABC, CNN — those guys knew. Everyone at TPM seems to know.I mean, I signed up and everything. But you...

An American Prayer: Video and MP3

Got this in the inbox today. It's awesome. If you like Obama (and MLK and Forest Whittaker and  Cindy Lauper and ...) you will LOVE this. Co-written by Bono and Dave Stewart.The best part is the end.Click here for the...

Our 3 AM Call

Holy crap! I just was wondering: Do you think Obama might text out his Veep selection at 3 AM — maybe TODAY?It would play off Hillary's 3 AM ad,  of course.It could be the first thing on the morning talk...

How LOW Can the POW Go?

Having been a prisoner of war gives John McCain certain privileges as a candidate, and perhaps even some experience bearing on the presidency. But we haven't had that discussion yet. I think we will.Sam Stein's piece in today's HuffPo is...

Apologies to Deanie, et al

Yesterday, I left a testy comment at Deanie Mills' well-written post, ROPING A DOPE.I wrote: "We're blogging here, Deanie, not writing books."I apologize, Deanie. I was in a foul mood and that is that. I was petty and wrong. Your...

Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones Dies

Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, 58, the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress and a vocal critic of the Iraq War, died at 6:12 p.m. tonight, according to an official at Cleveland Clinic.Initial press reports erroneously reported...

Yankee Drool Dandy

Intro    I'm the fart who steals your candy,    I'm a Yankee Drool Dandy,    I'm glad I am,    So's Lieberman.    I'm a real live Yankee Drool,    My claim to fame began in school,    When this drinking fool flew off to be...

KJMAW: Suck On This, McCain

Obama has to paint McCain into a corner.McCain uses "celebrity" to define Obama in a single word that upends Obama's strength and casts it in a negative light. "Celebrity" is a narrative frame into which the GOP smear machine can...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogMitch McConnell is Dead Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThere is a season, turn, turn, turn... Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogiS cALifoRnIa NeXt? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRipper Grants: Apply Now Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHouston, we have a solution: Gulf disaster demands NASA know-how Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogALERT: Senate Votes Today on Giving Big Coal, Big Oil Unfettered License to Pollute Air Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogA Perfect Storm for Democrats Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPondering the Cosmos Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Self-PiTea Party Doubles Down Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogDoes Shirley Sherrod float? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRace and the Right Wing Agenda Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Magnetic President Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWho Caught You When You Fell: An Ode to the Right Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWaiting for <strike>Perot</strike> Palin Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThis land is my land. Period. Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPolitics for Dummies Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogBlinded by the Right: How Democrats Can Win Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHistorians Discover First Draft of Bill of Rights Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWhy Park51 must rise and stand Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogI Am Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Blog entryRunning Down the Zeitgeist DF315 years 8 months ago
Blog entryIn (limited) defense of Rick Warren Ripper915 years 8 months ago
Blog entryMy Month Long Contribution ChronoSpark615 years 11 months ago
