The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    DF's picture

    Glenn Beck to Hold Event in Anchorage on Sept. 11

    Via Roger Ebert, I just learened tha Glenn Beck is set to hold an event in Anchorage, Alaska this September the 11th.  I was able to confirm that tickets are on sale for the event here.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    A Proposal for Our Libertarian and Objectivist Friends

    Since David's recent blog has attracted attention from some self-described Objectivists and Libertarians, let me say a few things to those new commenters.

    It's clear that you feel that all taxes are illegitimate ("stolen money"), and do not believe in any social contract (a la John Locke) by which citizens preserve the maximum freedom possible for them by delegating their personal legislative rights to a freely chosen legislative authority. In short, you don't accept taxation with representation. We can argue the point, but many of you seem quite set in your convictions.

    Orlando's picture

    Societies Fail: We Might Have to Get Over It


    We know that environmental disasters have led to the downfall of civilizations. We know that, in other cases, it is greed and largess that has tipped the scales. Some societies have fallen victim to outside invaders or disease; others simply disappear, leaving no easily-followed clues as to their demise. I suspect those that crumble under their own stupidity are difficult to document, historically speaking.

    DF's picture

    That Was the Good Old Day

    Hey, remember this?

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Ayn Rand & Objectivism - Everything you need to know

    Born in 1792 in Monaco, Aynamal "Ayn" Rand was a divisive figure from her very first day. Born with a twin sister, Rand consumed said twin out-of-utero, leaving little left but rib bones and patches of hair from the twin. This incident was inpirational to Rand, who was often quoted as saying "the weak, like my twin, must be used for food by the strong."

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Welcome to Dagblog

    Hi, all. We have some new readers and new reader bloggers today, for a sad reason. Some people are coming here out of fear that Talking Points Memo may shut down its reader blogs.

    Everybody here at Dagblog would like to see the TPMCafe stay open. Most of us met each other, as bloggers, at that page, and we would like to see it thrive.

    But whatever the fate for TPMCafe, we would like you to know that you are all welcome here, and that we will always be glad to see you.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    An American Boy

    I am kind, giving and strong. I am fair and law-abiding. I am smart and resourceful. I respect others and I do no harm. I follow the words of Jesus Christ. I am an American Boy.

    tmccarthy0's picture


    So Beck is going to start his own news website is he, well, AP, take that!

    cue Meredith Brooks:
