The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Larry Jankens's picture

    My New Crush: Aimee Mullins

    Aimee Mullins, aka Cheetah Woman, is officially my new favorite day dream. Not only is she part cheetah and therefore very fast, but she also is a good public speaker and an amazing person, two things that are very crushable.



    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Daily Beast’s Lloyd Grove cartwheels around allegations of sexual assault by Al Gore

    Al Gore has been accused of sexual assault. He has not been charged with anything at this stage, and may or may not be in the future. But a Portland woman has accused him of sexual assault, and according to the National Enquirer, it’s possible two other women are making similar accusations. Gore recently met with Portland police in regard to the allegations.

    From CBS News:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    On Bush Tax Cuts, Politics Daily makes the data fit the narrative

    At Politics Daily, Bruce Drake sticks with politics, and does so in grand “Interpret the data the way to best fit my narrative” style.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Why did Politics Daily's Andrew Cohen highlight "poison" in his column to an Ex-girlfriend (updated)

    Stalking a woman – on her wedding day – who spurned you is cause for termination in my book. And that’s exactly what Politics Daily legal analyst Andrew Cohen deserves after penning a column titled “On Her Wedding Day, Saying the Things Left Unsaid”


    tmccarthy0's picture

    Secret Communication Sent to Wikileaks by a Private? I Just Don't Believe This Story.

    Yesterday or the day before that, as we all know Wikileaks dumped 76,000 secret documents onto their site, and are editing another 15,000 or something like that to dump soon, for all the world to see. And to tell you the truth, I have little to say about Julian Assange, except, who in the hell told him that hairstyle was flattering. He looks like a broke down, Diane Sawyer.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning – July 27, 2010


    Paul Briggs does an outstanding imitation of how the Obama Administration handled the Shirley Sherrod video nontroversy.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Ted Haggard over-repents, shooting past straight and right back to Gay

    COLORADO - Hours after admitting that his sexual liason with a male prostitute was a "massage gone awry," Ted Haggard has admitted he is again feeling Gay urges.

    "What can I say," said Haggard. "I over-repented and shot straight past being straight."
