The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Why Did California Shooter Target the Tides Foundation?

    Late Saturday night, the California Highway Patrol stopped 45-year-old Byron Williams as he sped towards San Francisco. Wearing a bullet proof vest and armed with three guns, Williams opened fire on the officers. After a 12-minute firefight, CHP troopers subdued and arrested Williams.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    To Refudiate (verb)

    So the whole blogosphere has been tweeting and retweeting about Sarah Palin's accidental coinage of the word "refudiate," and her subsequent comparison of herself to William Shakespeare. (If that's the standard you want your prose judged against, sister, be my guest.) It's a big serving of the regular Palin-coverage stew: mockery of ignorance, defensive anti-intellectualism, just enough genuine condescension to lend the anti-intellectuals credibility.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    What Shirley Sherrod really said (full video)

    After Andrew Breitbart released an edited video (that Fox News ran with) that took her words out of context, Shirley Sherrod was fired from the USDA and lambasted by the NAACP. CNN has a good recap of the entire story.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Lindsay Lohan jailed after shootout with Police – had planned terrorist killing spree

    Lindsay Lohan, described by her mother as angry at left-wing politicians, opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers on an Oakland freeway. Officers later found plans for a possible terrorist act against the public in Lohan’s possession.

    Lohan was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder for shooting at the CHP officers and Oakland police said he may face other charges.

    Investigators examining the scene of the early morning gun battle believe Lohan had plans to carry out a possibly massive violent act before being stopped by CHP.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Moon Landing: 41 years later, still better than a punch in the face

    When Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon in 1969, I did not care. I was two, mind you. But 41 years ago, it was a really, really big deal. Bigger than iPad or Lady Gaga even, if you can imagine that.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning – July 20, 2010


    Life: Sometimes you’re the penguin, sometimes you’re the whale.


    Unemployment Extensions: After Obama put on the pressure, it looks like Unemployment insurance will be extended for the next three months – right up until a couple of weeks before the election.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Populism, Party Disunity, and American Politics

    The TeaParty has big dreams. They dream of third party status, becoming powerful, directing public policy, controlling the government. As a movement, they are big, big dreamers.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    William K. Wolfrum’s Morning – July 19, 2010

    Breaking news

    Breaking News, American Style. Via Prosebeforehos.


    Gulf Oil Disaster: The cap remains on British Petroleum’s oil geyser, but an apparent leak and “undetermined anomalies” mean the happy ending is still a long way off.
