The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    An Update on the Book Formerly Known as How Bill O'Reilly Saved Christmas

    In response to the relentless demands of millions of adoring readers, I've decided that it's time to break my media silence about the status of the book.

    After an eight-month effort that has been simultaneously grueling and exhilarating, the book is nearly finished. I completed the manuscript at the end of June and have been racing through the revisions since then. In a few weeks, it will be all over but the rhapsodic reviews. The book is still on schedule to come out in mid-October.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Why Can't Education Reporters Read?

    Last week The Delta Cost Project, a non-profit that studies the cost of higher education, released a detailed report on revenue and expenses at American colleges and universities over ten years: "Trends in College Spending, 1998-2008." The report broke down the various sources of revenue, the different activities on which money was spent, and most interestingly the rate of increase

    Orlando's picture

    America: Home of the Free, the Brave, and the Cheaters

    Thierry Henry is headed for New York. Who is Thierry Henry? Well, that's a complicated question.

    Wait. No, it's not. He's a cheater.

    I understand that cheating, or at least pushing the limits of fair play, is a part of soccer. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. Inadvertent handballs are one thing, but catching the ball and putting it on your foot is certainly another. He didn't even try to hide it.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    British Petroleum Lobbied for Lockerbie Bomber release - oil for terrorists

    One must wonder if Republicans will be standing up for British Petroleum and their profits after this latest headline: “BP lobbied U.K. ahead of Lockerbie bomber release.”

    LONDON — BP confirmed Thursday that it had lobbied the British government over a prisoner transfer agreement with Libya in late 2007 before the release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.

    acanuck's picture

    Bohemian Rhapsodist: Tuli Kupferberg, 1923-2010

    Who the Fug? Yeah, that's the guy.

    Some of you (probably most of you) are too young to recognize the name, but The Fugs were a seminal influence on music in the mid to late '60s. Sort of a Mothers of Invention without the musicality; a Velvet Underground without the polish. Protopunk, maybe ur-punk. The name derives from Norman Mailer's corruption of the word fuck in The Naked and the Dead.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    I Am Israel, Hear Me Kvetch!

    Call me Israel. I am not a large man; I survive by wit and grit. I am a good man, and I fear no one.

    Do not judge me. My childhood was a nightmare grimmer than you, who grew up in comfort and security, could ever imagine.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Liberty, Equality, and So On ...

    Happy Bastille Day, mes amis. And Lafayette, thanks for the solid.

    In honor of the quatorze juillet, here's Serge Gainsbourg:

    And for those who prefer La Marseillaise old-school, Casablanca still does it best.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Conservative carpet-bombing of the media – a 24/7 affair

    While the “liberal media” was sleeping, Conservatives were busy carpet-bombing the U.S. media. Here’s a partial look at how two prominent Conservative think tanks got their messages out over the past day:

    Heritage Foundation


