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    What Shirley Sherrod really said (full video)

    After Andrew Breitbart released an edited video (that Fox News ran with) that took her words out of context, Shirley Sherrod was fired from the USDA and lambasted by the NAACP. CNN has a good recap of the entire story.

    Since this morning, however, the NAACP has retracted and apologized and many are calling for Sherrod to be rehired.

    Here is the full, unedited video, which was released by the NAACP. The pertinent part is around the 18 minute mark:

    Here is the edited video Breitbart put out:


    Crossposted at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles



    So Shirley Sherrod gets fired for a speech about how she managed -- a quarter-century ago -- to get beyond her own racial preconceptions and learn to treat everyone, black or white, the same?

    And that asshole Vilsack is standing by his decision to fire her?

    Vilsack should resign, and Sherrod should be nominated to succeed him.

    Breitbart says he didn't edit the vidrotape; that's how it came from his "source." Who's your source, Andrew? Because that drastic an editing comes pretty close to slander.

    Who pays reporters to be that incompetent? But then, it's FOX.

    considering the source of this clip...the media and USDA, and the administration should have done their fact checking before jumping the gun and letting themselves be duped and manipulated by these scoundrels. This lady should sue the Breitbart, FoxNews and USDA for defamation of character and slander. Just goes to show how low they will stoop to get their base fired up about with lies. I don't know how Fox and Breitbart can get away with this without any legal repercussions. Sue Fox News, Breitbart and the USDA..

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