The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    STELLA !

    The campaign will be a three month revival of "Street Car".

    Trump represents Joe Lunchpail (R)  and scorns the Washington leadership.

    Hillary knows what Nancy Pelosi is going to say before she does. But thinks his millennial  women  worked  for Bernie to meet guys. (OK, I know that's what  Gloria and Madelyn think )

    One is terrifying  and the other's pushing  her "sell by" date. 

    Heaven help us! At least Hillary knows better than to rely on the kindness of strangers,

    Anyway, I'm glad she won.


    Hi Flavius, always good to see you.

    I am of the opinion that Rubio and Cruz, the Cubans, might have followed Walker and Brownnbeck and really, really hurt this nation as part of the Executive Branch, as it were.

    Trump is a reality star and a nut and maybe might be mentally ill.

    I accept Hillary.

    Any day of the week, considering the choices available.

    But Hillary shall be our new female Executive.

    And I shall sleep at night.

    I would vote for Secretary Clinton any day of the week.

    the end

    Except to say that Pelosi is a hero of mine and shall always be.

    A change is comin.



    I thought  that Pelosi really rose to the challenge in Sept 2008. Whatever one's opinion of  what should have been done later to reform the banks if she hadn't helped Paulson then there's no way of knowing how bad it might have been,

    And she stood and delivered later for Obamacare




    • I wrote blogs about Pelosi years back. I blame her for nothing. I really do believe that decades from now 'they' shall refer back to Nancy.
    • WELL DONE!