John Bell Hood was an inept Confederate commander who led troops that killed Union soldiers. Despite his ineptitude, he name is attached to Fort Hood. As a movement to remove the names of Confederate soldiers from United States military bases, the name of Green Beret Staff Sargent Roy Benavidez has been put forth as a replacement. The heroic actions of Benavidez, who was shot multiple times including in the face and the back, while saving multiple soldiers is detailed in the article. Miraculously, Benavidez survived his wounds and received the Medal of Honor from Ronald Reagan.

    As noted in the WaPo article, Benavidez was so badly wounded he was put in a body bag. He was initially placed with enemy soldiers because his facial appearance made others think he was Asian. The only way he could shoe signs of life was to spit in a doctor's face. 

    The current occupant of the White House has refused to allow removal of Confederate names from military bases.


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