amike's picture

    About Nothing, Really

    I'm finishing up a short visit to Montreal, where I've been attending one of those conferences academics attend when they feel they have too much time on their hands.  My days since Monday last have been filled from 8:00 to...

    Giving Harry hell

    If you haven't read this story of how Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) just dealt anti-health reform advocates a potentially winning hand, please do. Reid will adjourn the Senate for the August recess, abandoning any vote until the fall and allowing...

    Public Option Advocates: Time to Come Home to Single Payer

    Note from Ripper: Thought I'd pass this along.By Mark Dunlea, Executive Director, Hunger Action Network of NYS; co-chair, Single Payer New York. [phone and fax redacted by Ripper]As the various public option proposals in Congress for national health care reform...

    Break the logjam

    Action on passing universal health care is hung up in Congress while GOP strategists crow about breaking Obama and the media conducts its usual circle jerk.There is and has been for weeks only one point at which the logjam can...

    The Challenge Obama Faces With Congress

    I do think David Brooks the other day stumbled onto some truth when he said Obama is not at this point feared by Congress.  I think that's accurate.  I think over the next couple of months re health care...

    From Larry Flynt to Preschool - WHAT Is Happening To Our Society? A Sign O' the Times

    It was less than three years ago that Larry Flynt opened up a Hustler Superstore in my neck o' the woods - an open, brightly-lit shop that agreed with the city's restriction of devoting less than 1/3 of its floor...
    Richard Day's picture


    Daily Beast: The "birther" movement got a boost Tuesday evening, as Liz Cheney, the former vice president's daughter, appeared sympathetic to the conspiracy theory that President Obama is foreign-born. Appearing on Larry King Live, the host pressed Cheney on...

    Top 10 signs health care reform is NOT in trouble

    10. Brad and Angelina still adopting risky Third World kids. 9. Sales of hand lotion plummets as insurance executives slow evil hand-wringing. 8. Michael Steele determines that Sarah Palin's stupidity, Mark Sanford's infidelity and Joe Lieberman's flatulence are pre-existing conditions but he...
    oleeb's picture

    I'm Glad Prof. Gates Got Arrested!

    The airwaves are filled with the news that the esteemed Dr. Gates, a Professor at Hahvad don't ya know, was arrested for entering his own house and then having the gall to be put out when a cop hassled him...
    amike's picture

    What if...?

    Historians have the truism, "history does not reveal its alternatives," drilled into them from day one.  But I'm on vacation and a secret reader of alternative histories besides. (Don't tell anyone.) Which goes by way of saying that recent news...
    Ramona's picture

    Cronkite, McCourt and Ivins - Stilled Voices Still Going Strong

    Frank McCourt died on Sunday. Walter Cronkite died on Friday. Molly Ivins died more than two years ago. As near as I can tell, none of them had much in common with the other, but yesterday I couldn't stop thinking...
    Richard Day's picture


    I was impressed by TPM and this article today: h So I thought I would review on of MTP's most recent interviews:And now, for Meet The Monkeys, here's moneyface Gregory and his band of merry men:THEME SONG: Here I come,...

    Why I fight for universal health care - PLEASE REC!

    I should begin by mentioning how grateful I am to the TPM community for digging into their bank accounts to send Gumbun and me to Washington. I'm certain I speak for her, too, when I say it is my profound...
    Richard Day's picture


    The phrase "Ten Commandments" is generally used to refer to similar passages in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Some scholars distinguish between this "Ethical Decalogue" and a different series of ten commandments in Exodus 34:11-27 that they call the...
    Richard Day's picture

    Exclusive Free DD Book Offer W Your Rec & Donation for SINGLE PAYER RALLY!

    Healthcare Rally Update - Paying It Forward! PLEASE REC! Thanks!And free book for your recommendation and support.It's time to do something!!!  UPDATE on the July 30 Single-Payer Healthcare Rally in DC, The purpose of this recurring/shared blog is to share information...
    Richard Day's picture


    Benedict XVI First we must begin this Sunday's prayer session with somewhat of a caveat. El Papa cannot pray for a while. He cannot pray for world peace. He cannot pray for the hungry children across the globe. He cannot...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Paulson's Economic Recovery Plan is an Unqualified Success!

    At the time we experienced the economic meltdown during the death throes of the Bush Administration, I was alarmed to hear the names that were suggested as the economic "experts" who would save us from this impending disaster. Paulson, Geithner,...

    With all your strength, fight now

    Kudos to Bwak and LisB and Gumbun and Synchronicity, et al, for leading the charge July 31st into D.C. from TPMers who want universal health care NOW. They understand that momentum must BUILD and not be allowed to wane. Stall...
    Barth's picture

    The Meaning of "Cronkite"

    It seems as if I am never where everyone else is. Michael Jackson meant nothing to me. I follow popular music almost as religiously as I do baseball, politics, and a few other things (though, mostly, not religion) but my...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Uncomfortable Truths (things that make you want to cry)

    This is one of those posts that requires a fairly long preface, so bear with me here. I will not make the egotistical assumption that all of you know my history, but to save those of you who do the...
    Richard Day's picture

    Back into the BERESHIT: What Exactly Do You Noah For Sure?

                                                              THE DELUGE The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that he had...

    Mercedes announces EV Gullwing

    OK, this one has been filed under totally cool.  Mercedes has started releasing information on their new SLS Gullwing (although not undisguised pictures apparently!) due to hit American streets next year. The vehicle is impressively engineered - the gasoline...
    we are stardust's picture

    Answers I wish Judge Sotomayor could have given:

      To Senator Graham:  "Did you know that on many gay blogs you are known either as "Miss Pittypat" or "Aunt Pittypat" and that it's just not working for you to be so adamantly anti-gay-marriage?  Are you the Senator who...
    oleeb's picture

    "Public Option" Would Only Be Available To The Otherwise Uninsured

    I'm not sure thatpeople really understand how the "public option" would work, given the rhetoric of the adminstration that people could "keep" their current insurance if they want to or choose a public option.  Last night on The Daily Show,...

    A Comment on How the Health Care Debate is Evolving

    One observation I am led to on health care based on discussions at the cafe is that many members of Congress seem either to have gotten the message that there is considerable support for including a public option in the...
