jollyroger's picture

    We created catastrophe in Iraq and Syria. Canada takes 30,000 of our victims. Greece sinks, the EU crumbles, we posture. God sees.

    No rational and honest observer can deny that our invasion of Iraq brought chaos there, which spilled over to Syria destroying the life support system and forcing millions of innocent people into misery, life threatening migration and finally, grinding poverty ,privation, and despair.


    Indeed, even an irrational and dishonest observer, Donald Trump makes one-half the connection although he eschews any responsibility for remediation.


    Thems the Breaks?

    Checking the list of college spring breaks which take place largely in March, it's a huge problem for Bernie. I total 5.8 million, and guessing a 20% overlap, that's 1.2million potential youth votes knocked out of most contests (since absentee vote isn't often allowed in primaries, caucuses and for first time voters.)

    Will Republicans Unify Behind Trump?

    While no one knows how a person will vote there have been many polls where significant minorities of republicans state they will never vote for Trump in the general. There is a growing number of main stream republican leaders disavowing Trump.

    jollyroger's picture

    Trump-mind boggling incoherence

    When Donald Trump loses Joe Scarborough...

    The same friends who voted for Nader

    in  2000 now plan to vote for Bernie. I guess you could say "figures".  But...

    At least in 2000 they could  argue Gore was going to  carry their heavily democratic states so not only was  there no down side to a Nader vote but it served to signal  there were votes available to the left. 

    Clearly at this point it's too soon for that. The primary  margins influence voters down stream so we can't avoid considering that, sadly,   any one of the remaining republicans candidates could be inflicted on the nation if we get it wrong..

    Right now 10 15 pm est Bernie is on MSNBC

    being interviewed by Chris Matthews.

    You could watch.

    jollyroger's picture

    2018 or bust

    Parsing HRC v.Sanders programs is pointless

    Leaving Las Vegas...

    Donald meets Hillary in a quiet rendezvous. "Ok, you got 5 minutes to close the deal", says Hill. "What gives?" 

    "Let's stop pretending otherwise and wasting time when there's so much at stake," replies Le Donald, "you know we belong together". "Fat chance, broomhead - and don't go quoting me on that, basta with your Trump tweets or I'll put my Texts4Hillary boys on you.' "Those pantywaists? Why do you spend all this time with gays and metrosexuals?" "Cause they're my base, Don - unlike you I can't just count on the lunatic fringe to sustain me."

    A Mini Travel Blog

    Mini Travel Blog


    Bernie Sanders hasn't won anything

    Some Bernie Sanders supporters are taking a philosophical view of Hillary Clinton's first real victory in this election cycle in Nevada. Regardless of the outcome of the Democratic primaries, one told me, Bernie's already won, he's moved Hillary much farther to the left than she ever had any intention of going. Another claims the American people have made clear that we want the country to move in a more progressive direction and Hillary can't buck us.

    Richard Day's picture


    Ares Canope Villa Adriana b.jpg

    I have already written of wrath against THE DONALD. The particular incident that incited the hatred in me involved Trump's attack on the families of 'terrorists'.


    synchronicity's picture

    Only By Uniting Together & Working/Fighting For Democracy, Will The People End Rule By Corporations & Billionaires

    Our Democracy has been transformed into some form of Oligarchy. Corporations & Billionaires are ruling OUR Country.  And if you look around it is very easy to determine that THEY SUCK AT IT!



    Richard Day's picture


    The Honeymooners title screen.png

    I do not receive the Science Channel in my basic cable package.

    I do however receive the Discovery Channel which, over the years, ends up treating me with nekked folks in the woods and stupid attempts at gaining rating points, I guess?

    But I just discovered that the Discovery Channel 'becomes' the Science Channel on the weekends and other days (I assume since I get to watch Mythbusters again.)


    Now that voting one's gender has been taken off the table, it's time to bring it back - or at least if women want.

    It's a typical crap piece of pseudo-emancipation; women are told they don't need to be their anatomy - when all around us we see women lauded most for being their anatomy.

    Bernie, older & wiser

    I'm pleased that Bernie's finally clueing in on how the game's played. He's discovered that Hillary's wrapping herself around Obama because that endears her to black voters, who make up a large core of the Democratic vote. He's also discovering that it's not so easy for him to do the same because she started courting the Big O 8 years ago, something an Independent might be loathe to do. And taking onboard one of Obama's fiercest black critics, Cornel West? Not likely to help, since he's about as popular with the black community these days as George Zimmerman. Bernie did hire a BLM member as spokesperson. But it's simply not the same thing.

    Millennial Revolt

    17 miles from Georgetown at George Mason U, perhaps we begin to see the real issue on which this election rests.



    Perhaps old folks are out of touch...

    Richard Day's picture


    Excuse me please; but I cannot take political comment

    I will get back to it I promise! Someday soon.




    jollyroger's picture

    Martyrs reportedly irate. Virgins cut from 72 to 36.

    OK, I don't really have a source reporting back from Paradise, but here on earth, where the unspectacular if sound policy (finally) of strangling ISIS's cash flow has begun to bear fruit, salaries for the Mujahadeen have been halved, prisoners are being offered bargain rates for release ($500 gets your ass outta jail) and folks are getting utility bills.


    An army travels on its stomach, as Napoleon used to say.


    jollyroger's picture

    Teds, Cruz and Nugent. Band of brothers

    Ted Cruz just can't quit Ted Nugent.

    Au Pair of Dux

    Voters in both parties are reflexively unhappy with the establishment, but Hillary's problems with voters are all about her.

    The best woman for the job is the one who's not running.

    The male candidate is a better feminist than the world-known established female advocate of women's causes.

    The best candidate to shake up Congress and get new programs through it is the one who's been in Congress for 30 years as a relative outsider with little to show for it.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Sierra Blanca -- Bernie is a NIMBY but Not a Revolutionary

    In 1980 an important law was passed, this law required states to take responsibility for their low-level nuclear waste. It was known as "Low Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980".  The law itself urged states to cooperate, so states began to form compacts with each other to essentially rent spots to dump low-level radioactive waste.
