Incurable Romantics

    Worldly wisdom has it that Sanders supporters are sentimental while Clinton's cohorts are cerebral.  In endorsing Hillary, the Des Moines Register decided:

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Acceptable Woman: Sexism in Progressivism

    We've all heard it, many progressive men tell me, "Ahh Elizabeth Warren, I would vote for her". Elizabeth Warren is the election year "Acceptable Woman", even though she isn't running.   Thanks, good to know who the Acceptable Woman is as deemed by mostly white men.

    On Pizza

    pizzaJeff Varasano is a native New Yorker whose work in the tech industry brought him to Atlanta in the early 2000s. Because Atlanta had no pizza remotely as good as that turned out by even mediocre New York slice joints much less top-end pizzerias like Patsy's in Harlem or Sally's in New Haven, Varasano dedicated himself to replicating  Patsy's classic New York pie.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Eight Page Solution: Bernie Sanders Health Care Scam

    Eight pages that is all he has three pages. Eight pages aren't a policy, eight pages are not a plan, eight pages are for Rubes who don't care about the realities and difficulties which make and developing and implementing health care policies that work. 

    Sanders biggest problem is that he doesn't really have a plan. He does have an outline of what he wants to do, but no plan, and not one technical detail about how to achieve his "Medicare for All" plan. 

    jollyroger's picture

    Prez orders mercenaries from Saudi Temp agency. Consumer fraud found.

    Ostensibly motivated by a tight budget line for fielding proxy armies (aka "boots on the ground, not ours"), President Obama (whom we have previously tagged as not  much of a military strategist) apparently went back to the same folks who sent him Obama bin Laden, (that

    Tear Down The Wall

    [started off as followup to rmrd on Coates & Sanders]

    1) there is no path to a Democratic presidency without the black base. Hispanics are important, and of course whites are still the majority, but for the Democratic core, African-Americans are the sine quo non. Which makes New Hampshire and Iowa largely humorous.

    2) Sanders hired a BlackLivesMatter activist as national press secretary, so Flint should have been a no-brainer, as should responding to Coates - though maybe the the BLM playbook calls for resignations, rather than pressure to solve problems. 

    Richard Day's picture


    Sarah Palin by Gage Skidmore 2.jpgJUMP TO JANUARY 30TH, 2017

    President Trump choked to death, choking on some shrimp aperitif at one of his hotels on Thursday last week. 

    The deceased really choked on his own vomit, but it was better for the country that
    the doctors centered in on the aperitif. The CIA denied any involvement.

    The nation mourned this death for 48 hours while his Vice-President, Sarah Palin took over the 'chains' of government. (her words, not mine)

    MLK: Traitor and Conformist

    Martin Luther King was a traitor. As was John Brown, Frederick Douglas, Malcolm X, Mandela, Biko, and many many others we admire.

    Robert E. Lee was also a traitor, as was Lincoln, as were the US colonists in 1776 and the first settlers leaving England and Holland, as was Sitting Bull, as was Gandhi and Xanana Gusmão and Vaclav Havel and Aung San Suu Kyi and Wang Dan of Tiananmen.

    As Good As It Gets

    [started as a response to Barefooted's "Hillary Clinton's New Progressive Alignment"]

    1) I think we're seeing a Clinton thing where she also doesn't do well unless under pressure and in trouble. Sure, organized and all that, but not inspiring.

    2) In the case of Bernie, he's had the message, something of the synthesis without the details. Hillary's been the opposite - all the tools in the toolkit, but no obvious picture of what the job is, who the customer is.

    CVille Dem's picture

    Loose Lips Sink Ships

    Years ago I watched a movie about WWII. It was black & white (so really old). It was all about some German spies who were being schooled in colloquial American language, such as who they wanted to win the World Series, and other theoretically "loyalty" questions in order that they could get onto US Navy ships and wreak havoc. They learned the typical "rah rah" type of one team over the other, they learned accents, etc, and finally they were deemed ready to begin their operation, which would sink the whole US Fleet.

    jollyroger's picture

    That Hurricane melted greenland


    This could be some really bad shit


    As you will recall from countless weather reports. most hurricanes "pass harmlessly off the coast."


    That is, they go NORTH instead of continuing west across the Atlantic, and therefore pass between North America and Europe.


    In other words, they hit Greenland.


    Richard Day's picture


        Musca domestica housefly.jpg


    The buzzing would not stop.

    I sat at my desk, attempting to read some links whilst attempting to
    follow the plot of an episode of Justified.

    Buzz, buzz, buzz.

    What the hell is that?

    It went away.

    A few seconds later the buzzing was back.

    Black Lives Matter Feels the Bern

    ShaunKingBernie Sanders received a lot of heat from Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists over the summer and I didn't like it.  I criticized aspects of the movement and one of its most prominent leaders Shaun King.  I reasoned that Bernie was obviously the best candidate for African-Americans just as he is best for all Americans and rather than confront him and possibly undermine his campaign, BLM should work with him.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    How to Get to Single Payer: The Hillary Rodham Clinton Route

    Let's talk about Health Care, again, issues that will have to be settled before we can move the nation towards adopting a single payer legislative framework.  What does it take to move America in this direction. 

    We are behind, there is no doubt about it, 70+ years behind all the other developed nations systems.  Should we have done something before this? Yes, but we didn't and we have to deal with that in a very realistic manner. We must recognize there are steps that must be taken in order to secure that is the future of our healthcare system. 

    Hints for Hillary

    Now that polls are tightening, the internet has exploded with amateur campaign experts to explain why Hillary's sunk, what she should have done, how she should behave. They rightly note that this has happened before - but not just 2008. In 1992, in 1996, in 2000, in July of last year and again in October. Deconstructing Hillary is a cottage industry that's made many rich. Trump draws crowds by saying outrageous things, Sanders draws crowds by stirring outrage, Hillary on her own is simple outrageous.

    Explaining White Working-Class Republicans or Why Bernie is Best

    White working and middle-class people look at what the two major parties have done over the past 35 years and they see each one pursuing policies that assure one percent of the people get 50% of the pie. Republicans say in barely coded language that A) they will give non-affluent whites first dibs at the crumbs the rich leave behind while B) Democrats will give first dibs to blacks, immigrants, gays, and liburals (most of whom are in the 1% anyway).

    Who won Thursday night?

    and who cares?

    According to one poll  

    Trump 70%, Cruz 20,,Carson 2 Rubio  4, Jeb 0 (not actually 0 but so low it rounded to 0 which was also true of Kasich and Christie.

    barefooted's picture

    The American Health Security Act of 2013.

    Within the current discussion (aka Clinton attacks) going on about universal health care, the Sanders camp - and candidate - are referencing his 2013 Senate bill 1782 as a working basis for his eventual plan. Here is the summary, click below for full bill text. Of the multitude of things I find interesting, including that it has no co-sponsors to date, the push-back against Hillary for how she's portraying it as dismantling the entire current system ranks in the top five.

    Clinton and Sanders on Guns and Healthcare

    bernie-hillaryThe long-simmering race for the Democratic Presidential nomination is starting to boil over as recent polls show Bernie Sanders solidifying his lead in New Hampshire, even with Hillary Clinton in Iowa, and closing fast what had been a 20+ point national gap. The putative frontrunner and Bernie have been battling most notably over guns and healthcare. Following is a brief look at the charges and countercharges, who's right, and what I think it should all mean to Democratic voters.

    Orion's picture

    The Return of White Identity

    Anyone who has read Dagblog for a good length of time may remember when and how I came here. I started by blogging about white supremacists. At the time, there was a resurgent website up called Alternative Right, which had a pretty good layout and presented white supremacy as "alternative" and "neo-reactionary."

    jollyroger's picture

    Ted Cruz: "Trump is really a crypto Jew..."


    I love it when the gloves come off.


    First, Donald Chump Trump played the Cuban/Catholic/(Sp*c) card against Ted Cruz, musing, in his inimitable passive aggressive mode, that few evangelicals come out of Cuba, whereas, he, the Great White Hope of Protestant revanchism (Donald Trump-coming to an Orange Order Belfast march soon), was Presbyterian.


    Of course, this ignorant prick doesn't realize that the magic denominational affiliation for evangelicals is Baptist, but, soit.


    hollywhitman's picture

    How COP21 Affects Car Manufacturers

    This year, nearly 200 nations convened in Paris to discuss the future of the planet. The issue at hand was climate change. With greenhouse gases pumped into the air by various forms of industry, the temperature of the Earth is rising, slowly but surely. The last five years are the hottest five-year span ever recorded, and this year the average temperature of the Earth is expected to reach 1 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

    State of the Manufacturing Union?

    As Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump pile on the loss of manufacturing jobs, it's interesting that manufacturing seems to have rebounded significantly since, adding maybe 800K jobs by now, according to 2014 analysis & one from ESA out last year.

    It's all good - for Democracy?

    Less than 3 weeks to Iowa, & we're into reading tea leaves and divining political augury. 

    I'll identify a few things in the campaigns & political structure that I find capricious and curious - largely from a Hillary vantage, in case not obvious. Toss your own salad, observations & thoughts, as you please.
