The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

quinn esq's picture

Obama's New Energy Plan (A+.) But The Energy Ads? (D-)

Obama's new Energy Plan is an Ace - Joe Romm & T-Boone are already on-board. It took awhile, but I'd say it's about 3 giant steps forward - with a political brain installed while the plan was in the shop....
quinn esq's picture

Tear Down This Wall, Senator Obama (And TPM'ers)

Senator Obama wants the walls to come down. All around the world. I'm with him.We've seen walls before, in Berlin Wall, in Belfast, in South Africa. And we've seen them fall. Because people MADE them fall.But new walls are...
quinn esq's picture

Obama Trumped... By A Pair Of Two's?

There's something irritating me, so I might as well scratch. It's the arguments - apparently felt to be trump cards by some - that Obama is too young & inexperienced to be President. I agree we should look closely at...
quinn esq's picture

Shut Up Shuttin' Up!

Found yourself a bit uber-earnest lately? (No? Ask your friends. The ones who won't lie to you.) A touch argumentative? Wantin' to go all Bugs on Leghorn... "Shut up shuttin' up"? Yeah. Moi aussi. Here's help.1. Canadian approach to the MSM....
quinn esq's picture

Enemies & Empires, Cajuns & Yankees, Blood & Blossoms

Down Home, they tell stories. Endless, spiraling, swooping stories. Sit and listen, you're gonna hear some of the best story-tellers in the English-speaking world. Maybe it's the Scots-Irish thing, memory and clan... and entertainment. Stories - salt on the potatoes....
quinn esq's picture

I'm Bored. Thrill Me, Ya Bastids.

Yep. I'm bored. Here's why. As I wander the tables in this fine TPM establishment, coyotes in tow, I see & hear some wonderful things. Witty (even Des got in a good one the other night.) Insightful & Historical...
quinn esq's picture

RIP. Obama's Possum. (You know what Carlin would say.)

Thank You God (And George Carlin.) The Obama campaign today killed the seal. You know, that 'Vero Possumus' thing that infested his podium.I know it was young & cute & all, but still. It had to go. It bit. No word yet whether...
quinn esq's picture

Immunity, Justice, Vengeance and.... Complicity.

You're the brand-new, broom-wielding President. But your country got troubles: Iraq. Health. Energy. Housing. Poverty. CO2. Deficits. China. Immigration. Jobs. Banks. New Orleans. I'll stop at 12. There's work to be done. A forward agenda.Oh yeah.... and Justice. Seems...
quinn esq's picture

Obama & NAFTA-Gate - Republican "Dirty Tricks"

The leak of the NAFTA-Gate memo alleging that Barack Obama was merely "playing politics" by questioning NAFTA, is now being tied back to the son of Wisconsin Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner - the man who introduced the Patriot Act.Investigations by...


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