The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    "A plumber come with his tools to do a job ¨

    or  as Carlos Quintana  (quondam red sox  first baseman  was  conventionally  alluded to )

    ¨see ball, hit ball.¨


    Well thank ye for posting a word or two to let us know you are still around! I ashamedly admit I was thinking last night that maybe you had left the planet.

    I agree with this interpretation of that zoom piece they showed at the convention last night.

    Fits with your "like a plumber with his tools to do his job" thing--one big tool he's got is that he knows how to work with anyone. And it's not by bullying, like say, LBJ method, it's because others trust him on a personal level.

    Gaffes? Sure. But Biden’s Message Discipline Won Him the Nomination.

    Joseph R. Biden Jr. never wavered from his central message: that President Trump was a danger to American democracy, while he was a stable, experienced leader. Now it will be tested in a fierce battle with the president:

    Turned this thread into a story.

    Candidates who know why they’re running and what they want to say do well.

    And @JoeBiden has had a consistent message + theory of the case since he entered the race in April of 2019

    — Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) August 22, 2020


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