The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    KFC announces new “Eat It Off The Floor, Bitch!” Promotion

    KENTUCKY – Following its hyper-successful “KFC Famous Bowls” and “Double-Down Sandwich” campaigns, KFC has announced its newest promotion – “KFC’s Eat It Off The Floor, Bitch!” combo.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Libertarian Wonderland Is Not So Great

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that lower taxes and smaller government lead to economic growth, while higher taxes and bigger government hold the economy back. And like many truths that are universally acknowledged, it is frequently contradicted by easily observable facts and that makes no difference. Economics especially seems to be full of these ironclad universal rules that only hold true some of the time, in elegantly controlled micro-economic examples.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Israelis Need an Attitude Adjustment, but Sanctions Won't Help Them Get One

    Two weeks ago, my co-bloggers urged the American government to press Israel to end its blockade of the Gaza strip. I was skeptical that American pressure would be effective. One universal truth of sovereign nation states is that no one appreciates self-righteous foreigners telling them what to what to do, especially self-righteous foreigners with their own tainted records.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Dear Rick Barber: Go ahead and Gather your Army, tough guy

    Only 600,000 or so were killed in the Civil War. So, if you're a Southern politician, why not promote wildly secessionist language in your TV ads?



    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Christian Warrior Gary Brooks Faulkner fails to behead Osama bin Laden

    We Americans are an independent people with a do-it-yourself attitude. And no one proves that more than Gary Brooks Faulkner. The 50-ish American – armed with a pistol, 40-inch sword, night-vision goggles and book of Christian verses – went to Pakistan on a one-man mission to behead Osama bin Laden.

    “God is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing him,” Faulkner said.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    South Africa promises to forever ban Vuvuzelas if rest of world stops exploiting Africa

    SOUTH AFRICA – Faced with a barrage of bad press about the endless drone of vuvuzelas during World Cup matches, South African President Jacob Zuna today announced that he will ban the horn-like instrument, provided the Western world stop exploiting Africa.
