The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Apple iPad: A hand-held genocide machine

    While society has many ills, few threaten it as much as Apple’s release of the iPad*. This computer-esque piece of modern technology not only threatens society, but the entire planet, as well. In a world where swift communication is king, the iPad promises to take it to an new, exciting, and deadly plateau.

    acanuck's picture

    Now for something completely different: But nor ...

    OK, there's this nagging problem I have. Sort of an obsession. I push it to the back of my mind, where it stays quiescent for months, causing me no grief. Then it re-emerges, always re-emerges. Help me, dagblog community. HELP ME!

    I blame Genghis for this latest relapse. In a comment to a post by Orlando (below), he wrote:

    "A lying Mrs. Tebow would have no significance on the abortion debate. But nor would an honest Mrs. Tebow."

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed breaks out of Gitmo, defeats U.S. military, enslaves American public

    NEW YORK – In a shocking development today, arch-terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed broke out of Guantanamo Prison, personally defeated the entire U.S. military, overthrew the U.S. Government and forced all Americans to abide by Sharia Law.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Chris Matthews: “I forgot Prince & Paris Jackson were black”

    During last night’s Grammy Awards, Michael Jackson’s children Paris and Prince Jackson accepted a Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of their late father, in what was easily the most moving moment of the show.

    Deadman's picture

    Amazon caves to Macmillan

    Just read that Amazon has decided to give in to publisher Macmillan's demand that the online bookseller sell its books under an agency model for the price the publisher sets (which for the new books that make up most of the market will be 30-50 percent higher than the $10 Amazon currently charges).

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Barack Obama and I are 48th cousins!

    When it was announced that President Barack Obama and super-hunk hottie Senator-elect Scott Brown were 10th cousins, I was as amazed as anyone. They look so different, after all. And their politics are different. It’s freaking mind-blowing stuff, if you ask me.

    Orlando's picture

    Is Tim Tebow’s Mother Breaking the Ninth Commandment?

    During the Superbowl, Focus on the Family, James Dobson’s group, will run a commercial spot featuring Tim Tebow’s family. Family lore has it that in the late 1980’s, while pregnant and living in the Philippines, Tebow’s mother became ill with amoebic dysentery and doctors there recommended that she abort the pregnancy because they said the medication she took to recover from the illness would cause damage to the fetus.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    GOP's new plan: Jam fingers in ears, scream ‘lalalalala’ whenever Obama speaks

    WASHINGTON – Following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address and open-forum question-and-answer session with House Republicans, the GOP has announced a new plan to deal with they call “Obama Policy Nonsense.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    UK takes Blair to task; U.S. to do same – to College Football

    Our cousins across the pond took former Prime Minister Tony Blair to task yesterday during an Iraq War Inquiry. Not to be out done, the Obama Administration has announced it is ready to do its own investigation – of the Bowl Championship Series.

    From ESPN:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    John McCain, Newt Gingrich agree John Edwards is adulterous lowlife with no place in Politics

    WASHINGTON – At a special press conference today, media heroes Sen. John McCain and Republican leader Newt Gingrich said that former Presidential candidate John Edwards is an adulterous lowlife that has no business being in politics.
