The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture

    PIRATES & BURGERS--Rated R for Raunchy


    I had not seen Monty Python's The Meaning of Life for some time (1982).

    The beginning is all of four minutes and then the credits are shown as if the movie is over before it began; normal Python really.

    I had forgotten the opening scene where a bunch of old pirates attack and decimate London's version of Wall Street.  Then the building they ravaged moves down the street like a ship sailing out to sea.

    Through all the carnage you can catch the names of some of the corporations on the stock brokers' walls. Liver Donor's Inc. for instance is rather catchy as a corporate insignia, don't you think? Of course this is a set-up for their living will sketch.

    Speaking of pirates:

    Did Bernie Madoff manage to get away with more than we think? The New York Post reports that the ex-Ponzi schemer's fellow inmates at a North Carolina prison have been told by Madoff himself that he managed to hide $9 billion of his ill-gotten money with three friends before heading to prison. While the source says that Madoff's former partner Frank DiPascali has knowledge of the scheme, he adds, "I think it was personal friends" who agreed to take care of the money for Madoff. Other revelations from the inmates: Madoff has struck up a friendship with mob boss Carmine Persico ("They play bocce," says the source), and injuries that caused rumors of a prison scuffle several months ago were actually the result of a bad mix of anti-depressants, which were prescribed to Madoff by the prison psychiatrist.

    As a matter of fact while Madoff is with his buddies up in stir country I imagine him saying:


    Meanwhile, I am going to write a nasty letter to my Commander-in-Chief about this next  little item:

    BS News has learned in an exclusive report that the State Department has awarded a part of what was formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide a contract worth more than $120 million for providing security services in Afghanistan

    But I was really going to write about food and sex today--Madoff notwithstanding. 

    Taste is all in the mind of the taster I suppose. Some people think there is a definite relationship between food and sex. Of course always remember that every sperm is sacred even if there is nothing sacred about filling your gut.

    American chain and fast-food restaurants are engaged in an arms race. Their weaponry: the no-longer-so-simple all-American hamburger, complete with names to suit, from the "flamethrower" to the "tangler" to the "monster." Not content with single patties, doubles have given way to "triples" and "four-by-fours." Rather than a mere slice of cheese, these burgers now come topped with eggs, blooming onions, jalapenos or enough bacon to cover a fireman's breakfast.

    In order to bring some order to the burger wars--and as a service to your heart--The Daily Beast studied roughly 100 hamburgers at the nation's largest sit-down and fast-food restaurant chains in order to determine America's deadliest  burgers.

    You gotta check out this Daily Beast slide show at the link. These hamburgers weigh in at about 1700 calories BEFORE the fries and the cokes and there is enough salt to make your body ocean friendly, believe me. Here are a few burgers that stand out for me.

    How about:

    The In-N-Out Burger

    Or a Texas Triple Whopper

    Or a Supersonic Cheesburger

    Or a Six Dollar Thickburger

    Or the mighty Tangler Burger

    A few weeks ago, conservative blogger Will Folks sparked a firestorm by claiming that he had engaged in an "inappropriate physical relationship" with South Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley.

    Now, he's endorsing her.

    This Haley lady seems more like a Tangler Burger to me.

    Mr. Bachmann: PLEASE DON'T LET THEM F%$K MY WIFE!!! (TPM-somewhere)

    Well my response to Mr. Bachmann is:


    Not to be too graphic here but all I can think of is sticky fingers before the festivities begin with this lady.

    I mean get your shots up front folks if you wish to bite into this hyena. You ever look at her EYES for chrissakes?

    At any rate she reminds me of the Texas Triple Whopper myself.

    I mean you finish one of those and its Pepto Bismol time.  And I mean the entire bottle.

    Liz Cheney seems more like an In-And-Out Burger. I mean a six pack and three quick shots of tequila might send you to some of that.  But wake up the next morning?

    Oh well that is the end of my pornographic take of the day.

    Oh well on a more philosophical note: