The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Sarah Palin = Dick Cheney (with no experience)

    - Comes from a small state out in the middle of nowhere.
    - Unknown on the national stage (so they can invent narrative)
    - Not a chance of relating to someone not-white
    - Put on the ticket for red-meat GOP appeal

    It seems if McCain's gonna be George, maybe Sharah should be Dick.  Cheney's even less popular than Bush.  If Palin is framed as an incompetent version of Cheney wanting to play keystone kops behind old-man McCain's back in the White House, I don't think it would help her image much.

    Besides, it's a great tie in to ponder what would happen if Sarah Palin were to take the trip to Georgia that Cheney is on right now.

    Palin - None of the experience ALL of the Dick.

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