The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Roland Burris - Here to Stay

    Once again, Illinois State Senators are calling for our good friend Roland Burris to exit stage left. One imagines a Dem Party master of ceremonies furiously giving the neck slash signal to end dear Roland's dance routine, but he just keeps twirling away and starts to remove items of clothing.

    At dagblog, we've tried our best to get rid of Roland. We've shamed him, ridiculed him, and called him bad names. We've begged, pleaded, and promised to promote his mausoleum. The dude won't go. Even as the righteous State Senators from Illinois proclaim their righteous dismay, Roland is touring the state explaining how his conclusion that he would "catch hell" if he held a fundraiser for our other good friend, Rod Blagojevich, proves that he is a man of profound integrity.

    The problem is that unless the honorable Roland Burris commits an impeachable offense, the only person who can make Roland Burris go is Roland Burris, an idea which does not appear to hold much apeal to him. This is a guy who is so egotistical that he named his children Roland and Rolanda and had the word "Trailblazer" and a list of his accomplishments chiseled into his mausoleum. His grasp of reality is so twisted that he seems to believe that he can actually convince people that he was ethically opposed to holding a fundraiser for Rod Blajojevich in order to get Obama's Senate seat. I would not be surprised if he has convinced himself that he was actually ethically opposed to it. He is immune to reason, shame, and probably even waterboarding.

    The point is: Roland ain't going anywhere, and we can't get rid of him until the next election. So sit back and enjoy the show. Just be sure to avert your eyes if he drops trou.



    I really don't hate to say I told you so.

    Don't crow to me. I hopped on the Stop Roland Burris bandwagon after your first post. You had me at "Rolanda."

    But now I'm starting to like the guy a little bit. Too bad he's a Democrat.

    I am having an exceptionally crappy day at work. But "You had me at Rolanda" just made me laugh until I was gasping for air and now I feel better. Thanks.

    People who give their own names to more than one child should not be allowed to hold public office. People who give their own names to more than one child of different genders should be sterilized.

    On the Diane Rehm show moments ago, Andrew Sullivan compare Roland Burris to Sarah Palin in terms of his ability to create his own reality.

    Spot on.

    Well, at first I was going say no way, Burris can't match Palin.  Then I thought about 3 seconds and was like - Burris beats Palin. 

    Now I want a face off!

    Burris isn't as bad as Palin. They both have inflated opinions of themselves and very little awareness of how they might appear to others. But after that, at least as far as I know, Burris never used his children as props. He also never charged the state for overnight stays at his own house. His voice is way less annoying. And he votes the right way on the things I care about. So he's better than just about any Republican, in my book. My biggest problem with him is that he puts the seat in jeopardy in 2010 because of his own selfish ambition. The other stuff is just irritating and comically sad. 

    Who would have thought that a guy who built himself a mausoleum that doubles as a resume would be an egomaniacal liar of a politician?  Oh wait, everyone. 

    This guy embodies one of the main things wrong with politics:  politicians. 

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