The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    When Is A Story Not A Story?

    From Google News today:

    EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Palin Rides With Robin Roberts

    ABC News - ‎1 hour ago‎
    Sarah Palin told "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts in an exclusive interview that her decision on whether to run for president is still months down the road.


    Thank God. I am still on pins and needles. Actually no needles I aint gettin a tree this year anyway.

    "... in an exclusive interview," no less. "Exclusive" of any useful information, and devoid of anyone who matters? LOL 

    Precisely. But it happens all the time in our media, now obsessed with filling the gaping maw of the 24/7 news cycle with anything they can find. If there isn't any news, they make some through speculation, innuendo, etc., like using the last bit of wood for the fireplace and throwing in leaves to keep the embers from entirely going out. What emerges gives off more smoke than light.

    Or: When is a blog not a blog?

    I think the answer to Palin presidential worries is to run Obama against her in the primary, thereby definitively knocking her out of the running, and aligning Obama with his real base. The only problem left to resolve, then, is to find a competent and committed Democrat to run ... as a Democrat and mean it.


    Don't you have some small animals to tease?

    Believe me if there is one thing I am not laughing at it is Sarah Palin, Barack Obama may go down in history as the man who made Palin president.

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