Who are you?

    In one of his posts yesterday at TAPPED, Matt discussed a sort of generation gap between his and Ed Kilgore's views that he thinks resulted from the series of events that first attracted each to the political arena.  It was a very perceptive, thought-provoking...

    Time Person of the Year

    If I had a vote for Time magazine Person of the Year and they picked the winner today, I would vote for Al Gore. Call it "Revenge of the Nerd" or whatever you want. Our times demand serious people who...

    Sound-bite version of Bush Administration policy on North Korean nukes

    "Let's demonstrate our toughness by refusing to talk to them, say out loud as though we really, really mean it (but not to the North Koreans, of course) that we mean business about them not making nukes, hold our nose,...

    The Fog of War, the book

    I am just finishing up the book The Fog of War: Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara. Including excerpts from documents declassified during the 1990s and earlier this decade, it was edited and written by James G. Blight...

    The Spinning of Lieberman-Lamont

    Steven Clemons http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/ has a piece at his site noting a July 6 LA Times lead editorial headlined "Purging Antiwar Democrats". He titles his entry "Purging Pro-Iraq War Democrats" and says: "First of all, editorialists should stop referring to everyone...

    Using the "N" Word on National Security

    The Republican strategy for trying to hold the Congress seems transparent enough: repeat, as often as possible, the words "Democrats cut and run" as often as possible. Versions of this strategy have worked before. It could work again. Rather than...

    The Arrogance of Power, by Senator J. William Fulbright

    The Arrogance of Power by Senator J. William Fulbright Written in 1966 by former Arkansas Senator, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Vietnam War and US foreign policy critic J. William Fulbright, I came upon this treasure because...

    Some Numbers from Virginia Senate primary

    Well, well. The case for James Webb as Virginia's Democratic Senate nominee to oppose George Allen was that he supposedly would have greater appeal outside of predominantly Democratic northern Virginia (DC suburbs) than his opponent, Harris Miller. Mark Warner had...

    Virginia voter with a time sensitive info request

    Open primary today in Virginia, during which the Dem Senate nominee to oppose George Allen in the fall will be determined. Prior to 5:30 today I am interested in hearing arguments from denizens who have looked into the matter on...

    Niger Yellowcake story revisited by Vanity Fair

    Vanity Fair has published a new article, by Craig Unger, that brings the buried Niger yellowcake story back into the limelight. And the light seems to be shining, once again, on Michael Ledeen, although there still is no proof of...

    Another inconvenient truth...about us.

    I've been feeling a bit down the last few days. It's not because of things going on in my personal life, really, although I do have some stressful things going on right now. No, the reason for my dark mood...

    Congratulations to Senator Schumer

    Senator Charles Schumer made all the local newscasts in Atlanta tonight. With one soundbite of less than five seconds, he managed to personify the arrogant elitist attitude that is destroying the Democratic Party here and elsewhere.  At a news conference complaining about the...

    Frank Rich on Al Gore

    I like Frank Rich. I think he's perceptive and often keeps his eye on the big pictures when other opinion writers don't. But I thought his column this morning on Al Gore got catty at times. He writes: "If this...

    The DaVinci Code

    Just wondering if denizens: i) have come across notably good, concise, and historically balanced and rigorous assessments of key truth claims upon which the theory is based, and the theory itself. ii) have any comments on the book, movie or...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Media Under Attack --> Is There Hope for Democracy?

    The relative free pass this administration has gotten from the Corporate Media (notwithstanding their labeling it "Liberal") has allowed massive injustices to go unchallenged. On the other hand, if not for a few whistleblowers and courageous reporters we would be...

    Shameful New Right Wing Smear Campaign Against Jimmy Carter

    CNN is currently broadcasting ads for a campaign to urge Congress to censure former President and Nobel Peace Prize-winning humanitarian Jimmy Carter. Sponsored by the right wing group, Move America Forward (MAF), which has also sponsored several other anti-liberal campaigns,...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Is George Bush our Crazy Uncle?

    A family will go a long way to protect itself from being identified as "dysfuntional." Fathers who beat their wives and children, alcoholic relatives, and crazy uncles are among those whom families, (through denial and false smiles) try to hide...

    Can Labor Standards Improve Under Globalization?

    This is a question that's been on my mind for some time. As it happens, it is also the title of a 2003 book I just finished reading, published by the pro-free trade DC think tank, the Institute for International...

    The Israel Lobby Revisited: Mearshimer and Walt Respond

    As most everyone here at TPM Cafe is probably aware, a little over a month ago there was a controversial paper published in the London Review of Books (LRB). I'm referring, of course, to the Israel Lobby paper, written by...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Breaking News! What are we to do?

    TPM friends, we need to have a site for breaking news! I saw this today, and it is going nowhere, but it deserves your attention: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/4/21/75612/7906 I don't know enough about it to write a blog, but I want to...

    Delay Won't Seek Re-election

    Former House Minority Leader Tom Delay will announce tomorrow that he will not be seeking re-election. There is a April 3 New York Times article about the decision. But even more interesting is the Knight Ridder article, published today, which...
    CVille Dem's picture

    A Call To Action -- A Whistleblower is at risk!

    I just want to draw your attention to an important matter.  An honest whistleblower fingered Diebold In California (so that Diebold was disqualified in the 2004 election for their illegal softwear applications)  He is now charged with 4 felonies (they...

    Wall Street Wiretaps?

    Hearts are fluttering at DKos and Atrios over the news that a Barron's editorial suggests that Bush's "willful disregard of a law" may be grounds for impeachment and should be thoroughly investigated.Good for Barron's.  But their position shouldn't be surprising considering how many high-stakes international financial...

    The West Wing debate

    At the beginning of the program, Alan Alda said they should debate like Lincoln.  Why then does this debate sound more like the McLaughlin Group?  Sigh....

    Mutual Fund of America

    And why aren't  the results of government funded research treated as valuably as private intellectual property.  We just give the stuff away.   Personally I don't have a problem with that because I think we all benefit greatly from the free flow...
